Friday, April 27, 2018

Another very busy day.

Maximum temperature today 17C, minimum 6C.   Dry; 13 km/h South Westerly winds with up to 40 km/h gusts.

Good job there was no health and safety inspectors around watching me paint the high part of the bedroom wall today !!  Two walls down and one smaller one to go. The one on the left where the door is still to be painted, but I am waiting for Nigel to rub down and paint the door first. You can see what I have painted is several shades lighter and we hope it will lighten the room.

Poppy in the garden.

Quince blossom.

Rhubarb from the garden...

Rhubarb and ginger crumble 😊

Not the best photos, but the first photos of a butterfly in 2018... 

Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria)

N.B. My new bird blog is HERE 
Part 6 of the birds I saw last year in Africa.


  1. I sure sign of spring, rhubarb. Ours is just pushng through the ground.

    1. We nearly took our rhubarb out last year as it was usless. Glad we didn't as this year it is amazing!! Cheers Diane

  2. You must be a spry old broad to climb those ladders!

    1. Twelve years ago whan I first painted the room and the ceiling I used scaffolding borrowed from a friend, it was a piece of cake. Now I am older I did it the difficult way with a ladder, it was not easy to say the least of it! I have excellent balance, but standing on the top with paint in one hand and brush in the other....... Oh well it is done and hopefully it will last another 12 years at least. Happy Sunday Diane

    2. We have a couple of rooms that need to be done. Come on over and we’ll trade you free room and board, and you won’t even have to teeter on a long ladder. We’ll have cheese every night, decadent quantities of wine........and you can even bring Whatshisname!

    3. LOL, that would be fun, but think this year is already pretty full of decorating, visiting and visitors. Can the decorating wait :-)

  3. I can see why you are busy. The household updates and maintenance take a lot of time, not to mention the garden. All of which I'll be busy with as well (I hope). I hope the paint job does what you want it too. The flowers are lovely and the rhubarb crumble looks delish. Take care and have a great weekend.

    1. Too much to do and not enough hours in the day. None of this painting would have been necessary if the pipe in the bathroom had not burst and left marks all around the wall :-((( Havea good Sunday, Diane

  4. A busy day. The crumble looks delicious.

    1. The crumble was (and still is) delicious. Take care Diane

  5. I enjoyed this Diane, thank you. The room you are painting looks fabulous. The old bricks showing through, love those and the lighter shade of paint looks very nice. Beautiful flowers and butterfly too. My father grew rhubarb, they make a lovely pie don’t they? Yours looks delicious!

    1. Denise two of the walls are the original 200 year old plus stone walls. The back wall, to make a change, we rough plastered (which makes painting difficult!) and the wall around the en suite in the corner is smooth plaster, or smooother anyway. Take care Diane

  6. So far I have painted the interior of my house twice and it was hard work. Lovely blossoms from your garden!

    1. This is the second time in this house, but some of the walls were so rough that we used wallpaper with a three dimesional pattern to hide them. All the wall paper though is plain white coloureing and also has to be painted. The height of the walls is the main problem! Take care Diane

  7. I really like the new color, and good for you climbing that ladder. I'm sure Nigel was right there. :)

    Rhubarb, this reminds me how much my late brother loved it. He was the only one in family who did, and Mom would make him rhubarb pie when he'd be home with us. Thanks for a good memory, Diane!


    1. Sally he was there when I was at the full height, but he does not wotrry about me too much when up a ladder, luckily I heve excellent balance which he does not have. Any job above shouder height is mine :-)
      Glad to have brought back some good memories. Take care Diane xx

  8. Oh wow that is a high ladder Diane! Love the colour. Your rubarb and ginger pie looks scrumptious!

    1. Grace at the highest point that wall is about 6 metres. Higher than I really like to go holding on to a ladder, paint and a brush! A roller will not work it is too rough. The rhubarb was excellent though I say it myself :-) Happy week Diane

  9. You be careful on that ladder, good balance or not. Spring is a busy time for home owners. Glad mine has wheels. ;)

    1. Yes I know, I was told the other day that people over 60 should not climb ladders, so I should never have even painted the house 12 years ago LOL. Take care Diane

    2. Thanks for that info. I'm not keen on ladders and over 60. ;)


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