About me.

 My name is Diane.  I was born in the UK, but in 1953 we moved to Rhodesia. Just before Rhodesia became Zimbabwe I was offered a job in South Africa, yet another change in country. Later, after a spell in what was then Bophuthatswana, we moved back to S.Africa. In 2002 we returned to the UK for various reasons, but then in 2005 we bought our home in France. At the end of 2011 this then became our permanent home.

We love to travel and most of my travel posts are on
or more recently

Earlier days of my life are on

My bird blog is

Diane's favourite recipes are

If you need to contact me 
dpsfrance  @   gmail.com


  1. I don't know why I hadn't seen your "about me". I love this photo of you with the sunflowers, Diane.

    You have travelled so much, and your photography is amazing!


    1. Thanks Sally, yes we have travelled much and moved house far too many times. I hope that we will never move again, but Brexit could cause all sorts of problems. We never want to return to the UK though and France is our home now.
      Take care and thanks for the comment. Diane xx

  2. Dearest Diane,
    So you're in the France right now, hence the season is somewhat advanced.
    Guessing you live somewhere in the South, like we live in the South/East of the USA.
    Here the Japanese Magnolia will open tomorrow its first 3 blooms and the rest will follow soon.
    Today it is 19°C and tomorrow 22°C, next day 23°C and Saturday 24°C so that is going into real spring.
    The Camellia Sinensis or Tea Plant is blooming so lovely.


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