Thursday, May 28, 2015

28/05/2015 A few very quick photos, been busy cooking today. Friends coming to lunch tomorrow so photos will be sparse again.

Maximum temperature 22C, minimum 9C.  18km/h W wind. Dry.
Garden watered.


  1. Oh meringues.... be still my heart. We make pavlova a few times per year and we love it with fresh berries. How about a broad bean pavlova? No I think not!

    1. No Craig I also think not :-))) I thought that I would serve up the trifle tomorrow, (which has peaches and home grown cherries in it) with a dollop of cream and a meringue on top. Sounds OK, hope it tastes OK. Diane
      P.S,I love berries but they don't love me! N has a feast when the raspberries ready.


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