Wednesday, December 9, 2015

09/12/2015 A trip to the hairdresser for a cut and photos along the route.

Maximum temperature 13C, minimum 3C, 19 km/h SE wind. Dry.
Just as I was leaving the house, the neighbours sheep.

A little further along the road, much logging is still going on....

and a bit further on as well.

The one carriage train from Limoges to Angouleme is passing by (note the serious hair cut the trees have had)....

and crossing the road.

In the car park, more signs of tree pruning...

and looking the other way as well.

The hairdressers.

Loved Papá Noel painted on their door. :-))


  1. Those cut trees look like sculptures!

    1. José they are all over town, everyone a little different :-) Diane

  2. The trees almost look like they will never recover, but I know that they will! Nice to see blue skies. Here we have some for the first time in days!

    1. It always amazes me Craig how these trees take off in spring. We have had amazing weather. I don't ever remember being able to put washing on the line in December but that is where it is! Hope you are both well Diane


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