Friday, August 11, 2017

11/08/2017 A walk to the next hamlet and what I saw along the way.

Maximum temperature 22C, minimum 12C.   9 km/h NW wind with 28 km/h gusts.  15 mm rain measured.
The first thing I see as I leave the house and walk around the corner is our neighbour's barn.

I just love these chicory flowers that are everywhere at the moment.

Clover flowers.

Bladder campion or maidenstears (Silene vulgaris).

Daisy with a fly.

Gatekeeper butterfly, female.

Gatekeeper butterfly, male.


A rose bud peeking through a fence.

Rose hips.

It this a fungus growing on a rose plant?

Cuckoo Pint seeds.  A member of the Arum family and poisonous.


and another thistle with a bumble bee.

 Large Yellow Rest Harrow


For those that might be interested, I have started my blog on our South African holiday earlier this year.


  1. Super shots! Love the variety of color in them.

    1. many thanks Denise, I do love the wold flowers that grow along the road side. Take care Diane

  2. Does anyone still use chicory to make coffee? It was certainly available when I was younger but I can't recall having seen it for a long time.

    1. I have seen chicory in the shops (not that long ago) but I am not sure if it was here or in the UK. Something I would not look for normally as I hated it!! Hope you have a great weekend Diane

  3. Replies
    1. ThanksPam, comment appreciated. Happy weekend Diane

  4. Do you use a filter on your camera lens? I was just looking at a new camera today and the shop attendant was suggesting I purchase a UV filter.

    1. Yes I have had a UV filter on the camera since the day I bought it. Happy weekend Diane

  5. Beautiful series. You take great photos. Have a blessed weekend!

    1. Thanks Nancy for the kind comment. Have a good Sunday. Diane

  6. I got a chuckle out of the look of and name of the Bladder campion!

    The fungus on a rose, is a fungus. :-( But it is pretty too. :-)

    Luna Crone

    1. I often wonder how they come up with names like bladder campion but I guess it is similar!!! There is a lot of that fungus around, I have never seen it before we came to France,
      Have a great day Diane

  7. Diane, your photos always bring me much joy! Beautiful scenes, thank you so much for sharing.

    1. I am delighted that I can bring a little joy into your life, especially at the moment when things are a little difficult for you. Take care Diane

  8. Yum!! Fresh raspberries!!! Great photos. I am enjoying catching up.

    1. We both love raspberries but sadly the pips do not agree with me. Nigel is very good he makes lots of raspberry coulis for me :-) Have a good week Diane

  9. So many beautiful flowers along your walk. You capture them so clearly. I love raspberries.


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