Monday, October 2, 2017

02/10/2017 Mostly wet here again but a flicker of sun.

Maximum temperature 21C,  minimum 15C.  11 km/h NW wind with 23 km/h gusts. 5 mm of rain measured this morning.
Yesterday's Rosebud today.


Crane fly (I think)

Pampas just catching the fleeting sun rays.

Look carefully there is a small white butterfly there.(Pieris rapae)

Hoverfly in the topinambour flowers.

A one off photo of a very quick speckled wood butterfly. (Pararge aegeria)

Wood pigeon (Columba palumbus).

Acorns in the tree still .....

but so many on the ground.

Just for the record, our boiler was serviced this morning.


  1. Your photos are always so amazing, Diane. And, yes we all have our minds on Las Vegas; such a terrible tragedy. :(


    1. Thanks Sally for your kind comment. So hard to believe that one man can do so much harm....... Stay safe Diane

  2. Love, love, love your beautiful shot of the rose with the rain drops. I love photographing after a rain. Always such beautiful shots of nature, thank you for sharing them.

    1. Thanks Pam, raindrops make wonderful photos. Take care and stay safe Diane

  3. Gorgeous rose!

    And acorns...

    Actually, the boiler service man's back, is pretty 'gorgeous' too!!!!! Think of all the heat, he insures you of!

    Glad your friends in Vegas, were at home.

    1. Ha ha at least we know he does a good job each year and we should not have any problems with heating. Yes also glad our friends were not out on the town that fateful night.
      Have a good day Diane

  4. Another lovely series showing the changing season with those acorns, but also a gorgeous rain-soaked rose, pretty flowers and grasses tipped with sunshine. Also enjoyed the wood pigeon and insects and then the man with your boiler. Great shots all of them. Happy week to you Diane :)

    1. Thanks Denise, rain makes for good photos but we have had enough now for a few days!! The bugs disappear also when wet, windy and cold so I have to look hard for photos. Have a great day Diane

  5. Beautiful photos, Diane! The acorns are falling here in Montreal as well!

    1. Our garden is looking very like autumn is here but around the country not so much which is odd! Take care Diane

  6. The rosebud is still so lovely. The squirrels that live in my trees would have a good time with those acorns.

    1. We do not seem to have squirrels close by though I see them all around us. We have red squirrels here. I have only ever seen one in our garden which I am not sorry about as we have a good hazel nut tree, and I also feed the birds. Keep well and have a good day Diane


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