Tuesday, October 3, 2017

03/10/2017 Grey skies and rain so few photos as at French scrabble this afternoon.

Maximum temperature 20C,  minimum 12C.  11 km/h NE wind with 23 km/h gusts. 3 mm of rain measured this morning.
Day three of the rose in the garden!

Driving to scrabble - the trees in our garden are dropping their leaves but it does not look like autumn/fall here!

A drive by view across the fields.  The small white dot on the right in the distance is the resistance memorial

Scrabble today was at St Adjutory.....

The tabac still closed for the long French lunch break!

Scrabble, Nigel must have found a fabulous word by the smile on his face!  The lady in the centre is French and comes up with some great words, hard to compete with but they are always happy to help.

I had dreadful tiles today and had to keep asking for help :-((


  1. Perhaps that lovely rose, is being preserved by the cool wet weather....... :-)

    I love how the French still take a long lunch break!

    Yes, he certainly does look happy!!!

    1. I agree I am sure the weather is making it last well. Two hours minimum lunch break, perfect :-) Take care Diane

  2. I love Scrabble, Diane. I play Scrabble with my family and friends for a lot of years. And beautiful photos, my friend. The first one, with the rose and the drops on it, is absolutely amazing!

    1. Many thanks Mia but I bet you do not play scrabble in a language that you do not understand much. French for me is very difficult!! Take care Diane

  3. You know, I just LOVE that rose, Diane.

    How fun, playing scrabble. I haven't done that in ages. Used to play with my mom. :)


    1. I enjoy scrabble but in French it is a whole new ball game...... The rose is doing well with the cooler weather. Keep well Diane

  4. Wow, the rose is now in its prime! I'm smiling at your Scrabble game because of have memories of trying to improve my Spanish (and hubby his English) through word games.

    1. I really do not find it helps my French at all, most of the words I use I do not know what they mean in English!!! I play around with the letters until they look like something possible, then look it up (everyone uses dictionaries even the French) the French scrabble dictionary does not give meanings so it is pretty pointless from the point of view of learning!! I need a magic wand as languages is not my best subject!! Have a good day Diane

  5. Beautiful rose. I love playing Scrabble but have not done so for a long, long time!

    1. Yes Nancy the rose is doing well in the cooler weather. Take care and have a good day Diane

  6. I love seeing your buildings, so different from what we have here. Nice photos.

    1. Oh yes our buildings are very different to America :-) Thanks for the comment Diane

  7. Hello Diane,
    I went through your latest posts, they are full of great photos!
    And your garden will provide with great products now that the plants are well settled!
    Back from Spain but under lots of pressure, so can't leave a comment on each post ;-)
    Warm hugs and keep well :)

    1. Thanks Noushka for your comment and taking the time to look through my other posts when I know you are busy. I battle to keep up and I am not away as much as you are, Take care and safe travel, warm hugs Diane

  8. The scrabble game looks fun but I am really enjoying the daily picture of the rose.

    1. Thanks Emma and the rose is still doing well. Wish I could send you the wonderful perfume. Keep well Diane

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks for your visit and comment. Much appreciated, have a good day Diane

  10. I love the raindrops on the rose! Great shot!!!

  11. Hi Diane. We are having similar weather in Durban today, grey skies and rain, after a hot day yesterday and terrific storm last night. We have had so much rain this Spring so far, that my roses are ruined. The buds rot before they open. Yours look fresh and beautiful though. I still have my parents scrabble set but rarely play as no one in my family likes playing anymore. My sons liked playing as children but now they say that board games are boring. I don't agree. Kim

    1. I would play scrabble with you if we lived closer, it would be so much easier than in French!!!!
      Have a good weekend Diane

  12. I am so impressed you play Scrabble in a language not your own.

    1. LOL so am I, especially as most of the words I put down I do not even know what they mean in English!!!! Diane


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