Wednesday, April 11, 2018

11/04/2018 Still trying to catch up!!

Maximum temperature today 16C, minimum 9C.   8 mm of rain measured over the last two days; 17 km/h North Easterly winds with up to 37 km/h gusts.
Total rainfall so far this year now 430 mm.

Tulips taken two days ago...

Cherry blossom but no bees...

Wild violets...

White (blue) bells,

Vinca blue..

and purple...

Lawn daisy with a mini-hopper...

Flowers on the laurel.

Yesterday we had an appointment in Angouleme, this was just leaving home...

Poor guys were working on the road in the rain!

Later in the day, we saw this 2CV in the local car park...

As above, a typical French icon.

N.B. My new bird blog is HERE 
Part 4 of the birds I saw last year in Africa.


  1. Lovely photos Diane, we have still to look forward to our tulips blooming but everything seems to be waking up now. The daffodils have been out for a week and they don't seem to mind the cold weather, though I expect they would be happier if it were a little warmer. I know I would :) The next few days will be seeing a raise in temperature thankfully. I always sympathise with people who have broken down on these busy roads. Can be very tricky.

    1. Our daffodils were over weeks ago. Hopefully our weather will warm up very soon, it has felt like a very long winter this year and very wet!! That was road works they were working on, not sure how they manage with the rain coming downall the time! Take care Diane

  2. Always excellent photos Diane!

    1. Thanks Pam, hope that all is well, take care, Diane

  3. The flowers are so welcome after the winter. Enjoy!

    1. Arn't they just. We do not have many flower beds but what we have I enjoy. Our veggie garden which is just mud at present is our main feature! Keep well Diane

  4. All of the pictures are marvelous. I particularly like the closeup of the violet. It is one of my favorite flowers.

    1. We have wild violets all over the lawn and in the flower beds, I also love them. The veggie garden is the only place we have them under any control :-) Hope all is well Diane

  5. Good to see all the beautiful flowers blooming in your garden! Working in the rain is not the best time to work, can be very dangerous due to poor visibility.

  6. Lovely flower combinations of white and purples/blues, especially love the wild violet. Cute little car.


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