Maximum temperature today 23C, minimum 10C. A few odd drops only so far. 2 km/h North Easterly winds with up to 12 km/h gusts.
This fellow was in the garden this afternoon and I had to get the camera. I have only ever photographed one dragonfly many years ago!! Then the black redstart showed its face!!!
I believe this dragonfly to be a Broad-bodied Chaser but I am happy to be corrected as I know nothing about dragonflies! Note the damage to the left upper wing.....
and this is the same dragonfly.
Then this one appeared which I thought was the same dragonfly. Only when I saw the photos did I realise the wing on this one was not damaged! ...
As above.
As above.
Black Redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros)
In the grubby water around the weeping willow that I had just topped up.....
Wonder why this is better than the clean water in the bird bath!....
As above...
Maybe this sparrow is thinking along the same lines!
A very pale Love in the Mist. (Nigella)
Tonight's storm passing us by. We could have done with some rain with all the seeds I have planted!
N.B. My new bird blog is updated HERE
Part 10 of the birds I saw last year in Africa.
Gorgeous photos Diane! Especially of the dragon fly. You were able to capture all the beautiful details and the fantastic design in the winds. Well done!
ReplyDeleteThanks Penny, I was delighted to see the dragonfly in the garden, not an usual visitor. Keep well Diane
Delete*wings ;-)
DeleteCongratulations on your first dragonfly.
ReplyDeleteI love finding someting new in the garden :-) Have a good day Diane
DeleteLove in the Mist is gorgeous. I enjoy the insect photos, Diane.
ReplyDeleteLove in the Mist is coming out all over, it just reseeds itself every year. Keep well Diane
DeleteMagnificent photos, Diane! So glad you decided to take them, and share.
ReplyDeleteWe've had rain every day for a week. Wish we could send some to you.
We had 1 mm last night which helps but I need a bit more for the seeds! Take care Diane xx
DeleteI've always loved dragonflies. When I was a kid, we called them snake doctors. Good pictures.
ReplyDeleteI am intrigued, why snake doctors??? Have a good day Diane
DeleteHello Diane!
ReplyDeleteYes a male Broad-bodied chaser, just mature.
Superbe photos, congrats!
Gee, a beautiful light with this storm, I hope it didn't come down to hard!
Got tu run, I am climbing the Pyrenees again today!
Enjoy your day, dear friend :)
Thanks for the confirmation of the dragonfly, glad I got it right :-) We did not get a drop of rain it missed us completly and I need it at home at the moment for all the seeds I have planted!! Hope you had a good trip. Take care and travel safely. Hugs Diane
DeleteGorgeous gorgeous gorgeous Diane! Love the dragonflies, their gossamer wings are exquisite. Aimee's dream is to catch macros of dragonflies like this but up to now they have eluded her, will show her your shots here.
ReplyDeleteDragonflies have always eluded me as well, just luck that these two appreared in the garden. We have no water near by so I seldom ever see them. Take care and have a good weekend. Diane
DeleteLove the vivid dragon fly wings - amazing shots!!!
ReplyDeleteMany thnaks Pam, I have to admit to being quite pleased with these photos. Happy day Diane.
DeleteSorry that the rain passed you by. We have been having pop up storms that last 30 mins or so for the past week. Today is supposed to be a dry day and so it seems to be that way so far. Beautiful pics. I love dragonflies. They are so pretty fling about. Like you I don't know anything really about them. Hoping you have a great day.
ReplyDeleteSo silly we have had so much rain this year now I have planted I am having to water!!. Hope you are feeling better, take care Diane
DeleteThe dragonflies are awesome, the wings so fragile. So now you are hoping for rain. That sky does look ready to drop some.
ReplyDeleteSadly it all missed us, though we have had a vague sprinkling since that has done little for the garden. Hope you are managing OK. Take care Diane.
DeleteIs that a filter you're using on those pics or a special effect?
ReplyDeleteNo, it was straight from my little hand held camera, and that is exactly what it looked like if you mean the sunset. The others are direct from the Nikon and it was picking up drops of water from where I had watered off the main focus. Cheers Diane
DeleteWow, they really are lovely shots. It's the water drops then that are giving those pics an almost magical appearance. Beautiful.
DeleteWish I could do it when I wanted to; it just happens occasionally :-)
DeleteHi Diane. What a lovely name for a bird, Black Redstart. He/she probably preferred the grubby water over the fresh because the grubby water didn't smell/taste so much of chlorine and other chemicals that get into our water, the grubby water is more 'natural' I suppose to wild animals and birds. The dragonfly was very accommodating to sit still long enough for you to phoyograph it.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit Kim I have never noticed chlorine in the tap water here, and it is excellent to drink straight from the tap. The dragonflies were really flitting around, but they stopped a couple of times on the sage for me. I have never seen them settle here before and it is very rare to even see them in our garden. Hope you are well, take care Diane
DeleteGorgeous close up of the dragonfly!
ReplyDeleteThanks Nancy, I was delighted to see it. Hope all is well and that you have a good weekend. Diane
DeleteI'm crazy about dragonflies so I'm so glad I stopped in today to enjoy these stunning photos. Well done! Too bad about the wing damage, they are SO delicate, I'm sure that happens quite a bit but they keep going.
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely weekend!!!
Fantastic photos. That dragonfly is amazing up close in all its glory.