Tuesday, July 14, 2020

14/07/2020 Bastille Day, but no major celebrations this year thanks to COVID.

Maximum temperature here today 26⁰C, minimum 13⁰C. Dry.  13km/h North-Westerly winds with gusts up to 32 km/h.

The French national holiday of Bastille Day—celebrated each year on July 14, or le quatorze juillet—normally there would be fireworks and a large military parade for some, but for most, it still marks the anniversary of the storming of a grand fortress that was infamous for holding political prisoners, during the first moments of the French Revolution in Paris in 1789. Further information here if you should be interested.

As I leave home and walk down the road, the first thing to greet me is acres and acres of sunflowers,
they are just beautiful at this time of the year.

On the other side is a collection of wildflowers including poppies.

Further on looking through the forest.

At the end of our road where I do a left and a right turn next to another farm.

Quite a big herd of cattle out...

and on the other side, this family of 3 were in a separate field. The calf decided to lie down just as I took the photo!!

The dam opposite a private chateau which was surprisingly quiet.  No insects and very few birds !

Further on this guy was in a huge hurry but I managed one reasonable shot as it rushed by
European Field Cricket (Gryllus campestris).

Speckled wood (Pararge aegeria).

Seven spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata).

Longhorn Beetle (Stictoleptura cordigera).

Beetle (Oedemera noblis).

Yellow 22 spot Ladybird (Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata) often shortened to (Psyllobora 22-punctata).

Bees in tandem.

Little owl (Athene noctua) more photos on the bird blog.
The closest I have ever seen either of them.

My local list of wildflowers. (85 Species 06/07/2020)

See also my


  1. Happy Bastile Day!

    Your bugs made me scream. 😊

    1. Thanks Sandi, the quietest Bastille Day ever I think. Keep well and stay safe, Diane

  2. Happy Bastille Day! Our 4th was different too, no festivities like there normally are. Love the lady bug and the owl is adorable! Great pic of the bull, cow and babe too! But the sunflowers would cheer anyone up, gorgeous! Stay safe and take care.

    1. I do love sunflowers they are always so happy 🌻 There were some firworks around last night as we heard them but there had been no adverts and we would not have gone anyway, Take care Diane

  3. I love how you make the insects as important as the other animals. Great post!

    1. I so enjoy insect hunting :-) Keep well Diane

  4. Absolutely beautiful country scenes. Happy Bastille Day. Most, if not all, countries have had to go virtual with all holiday celebrations. Have a wonderful week ahead Diane. xx

    1. Penny it has been a very odd year. I have noticed though that our garden is having bumper crops this year. More attention being paid to them and we have not gone away at critical watering times!!! Keep safe Diane

  5. The acres of sunflowers must be like fields of sunny smiles. Your insect shots once again amaze me. Hope you are well.

    1. Gaelyn out today in the car there are sunflower fields everywhere at present, so beautiful. Stay safe, reports we here from the USA are not very good! Hugs Diane and Nigel.

  6. How wonderful to have such fabulous countryside round your home and such delightful visitors to your garden, Diane. As for the Little Owl, you know my thoughts on that - you lucky person you! Great photography!

    So many events have disappeared this year because of this virus. I look forward to a day when such things can start happening safely again. Lindsay and I did once have the pleasure of being at a Bastille Day parade. We were staying in Spain near the border just outside Puigcerdà and walked over the border to Bourg-Madame in France. It was a fabulous evening!

    Take great care and stay safe - - - Richard

    1. I wish you could come and stay, they are around daily though they have been much quieter since the drama the other day, something really upset them. The french certainly know how to celebrate. We did hear fireworks last night late but there was no adverts anywhere, we are not supposed to be out in large numbers anyway. Whatever we would not have taken any chances.

      Keep safe I think this is going to go on for quite some time sadly. Diane

  7. Six years ago we were in France on Bastille Day and were quite surprised at the lack of celebration in the area where we stayed. But the sunflowers were in glorious bloom and there were fields of gold everywhere. Fond memories!

    1. I am surprised as almost the whole country celebrates. Our local town usually celebrates the night before, and our local village always celebrates on the 14th so we generally have two consecutive nights out. There were fireworks around last night but I saw no adverts anywhere, We would not go anywhere in a crowd anyway at present and there are restrictions on numbers!! The sunflowers are amazing.

      Take care Diane

  8. Happy Bastile Day! Sunflowers brighten up my day. Nice shots of the critters. Pretty butterfly, cute ladybirds and a beautiful owl. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe and healthy.

    1. Thanks Nancy, it was a very quiet Bastille Day this year. Hope that all is well with you, Diane

  9. That bug took my heart away . What a beauty . Nice blog . Stay safe and take care

    1. Thanks for the visit and the comment. Keep well Diane

  10. Hi Diane - delighted to see these ... and yes, so many holidays seem to by-pass us in this time of pandemic ... gorgeous countryside you've shown us ... and Little Owl is special. Take care - amazingly beautiful sunflowers ... Hilary

    1. Hilary I think sunflowers are my most favourite flower, they are always bright, smiley and cheerful. Pity that they last for only a short time. It has been a very strange year who would have predicted this last year!!
      Take care and stay safe, cheers Diane

  11. Sunflowers are such happy flowers.

    1. I could not agree more I just wish they lasted longer. Cheers Diane

  12. Perfect temps by the sound of it Diane. Beautiful series of shots, a field of sunflowers is a sight to behold 🌻 So many important traditional ceremonies cancelled this year, I really missed the ANZAC Day commemoration. Hopefully next year. Have a super weekend Diane, take care 💙

    1. Grace I certainly hope that next year will be better but I am beginning to wonder if this is ever going to pass. Take care and keep safe, Diane

  13. Lovely photo's as always, Diane! :)

    I just returned home from the farm; some of your photo's remind me.

    Hope you and Nigel are well.


    1. Thanks Sally and I am glad you are back home. I am struggling to keep up with blogs and visiting but will have a look at yours just now. We are both well and I hope that the same goes for you and the family. Diane xox

  14. I am a few days late but I hope you all had a happy Bastille Day. Very interesting history and I will check out the link after I publish this, thank you! The scenery is gorgeous, especially loved the overhanging tree branches along the road. All great photos of the cattle also. And I always enjoy your macro shots of the insects. You certainly give them a personality :) That last shot of the owl is fabulous. Always a pleasure Diane, stay safe, healthy and happy :)

    1. Denise I am a few weeks late, I am struggling to keep up with blogs and visiting. Thanks though for the visit and the comment, it is always appreciated. Take care and keep safe, Diane

  15. You see so many beautiful scenes and interesting wildlife on your walks.

    1. Diane it is a lovely place to walk, I am sorry though I only get to see it alone. If only Nigel did not have a problem with his feet!! Take care and I hope all is well there. T'other Diane

  16. I love your microcosme photos, Diane! The ladybut and the gryllus are so beautiful! And what a gorgeous photo of the owl! As for the sunflowers and the poppies, these are my favourite flowers! Have a great day, my dear friend.

    1. Thanks Mia and yes I also love poppies of any kind. Have a good day Diane

  17. Your day reminds me of our July 4th! Fireworks are a normal here in the states for the 4th, although so many celebrations were canceled this yr due to the virus. The neighbors in the hood however made up the difference that the city of Nashville usually does. Firework sales were on the rise. I don't fool with them. I am afraid of them and with my luck I figure I would set something on fire...haha...Beautiful pics. Wishing our temps were not hitting the high 90s with the feels like at 102 and 103...I need to get out with my new camera and play. So far, I have done the backyard! haha....and since the decor in the backyard is limited compared to the old place I am limited. Keep on SNAPPING!

    1. Hi Pam, it is very hot here at the moment but I really do not mind it, I much prefer it to the cold. It has been a very odd year so far and I think it is going to continue to be so for some while longer yet!!! Have a good day Diane

  18. Your pictures are beautiful and I’m awed by your knowledge of plants and insects (and birds too as on your other blog).

    1. Thanks so much Sallie, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing so I am told!!!! I have an awful lot to learn but the memory is not very good at learning anymore!! Have a good day Diane


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