Friday, June 5, 2015

05/06/2015 Busy, busy day and so many thanks to our friends for all their help in laying the geotextile.

Maximum temperature 30C, minimum 16C.  40km/h S wind. Dry


  1. You picked a very hot day to do such manual labour! It's a weed barrier for the perimeter of your property?

    1. The day had been picked a week ahead as it was the only free day our friends had between visitors to help. Who knew it was going to be the hottest day of the year so far!! The plan is that it will be a weed barrier, Weeding around the outside of the hedge is a full-time job! Nettles, thistles, ivy, brambles etc. We will make a few holes in the geotextile and plant ground cover to hopefully protect it against the sun. Once the hedge has grown properly it will spread over 1/2 of this area anyway. Diane


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