Saturday, April 11, 2015

11/04/2015 A trip to the shops and a few birds back home.

Maximum temperature 18C, minimum 5C. 1 mm of rain overnight. 
24 km/h SW wind.


  1. They have an intense recycling program at the shops. Love the bird doing the hokie pokie

    1. Diane the recycling at the shop is just for the smaller items that cannot go in our yellow bag e.g. batteries. They collect the yellow bags fortnightly which has almost everything else in other than glass which has to be taken to a large bin That greenfinch was so funny, she wanted all the seed. Take care t'other Diane

  2. Wonderful bird shots as always Diane. The recycling centre made me smile. I've always been of the opinion that if you make it too difficult for people (too much segregation) they simply won't do it. Two years ago our local council changed the rules so now all recycling goes into our one big blue recycle bin. Of course this means that it needs to be sorted at a centre but I believe that the % of participation is way up.

    1. Craig all of our recycling goes into yellow bags which are collected fortnightly. The exception to the bag is electrical, batteries, glass, light bulbs etc. It is so easy to take those things with you when you go shopping or to take them to the dechetteries when we take the garden rubbish. Thanks for the comment Diane

    2. I remember those yellow bags Diane. Is that just for the Charente (16)? Or do all departments have them?

    3. Possibly it is Charente as we have friend up North who have different colour bins like we had in the UK. Diane


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