Saturday, May 21, 2016

21/05/2016 The local market.

Maximum temperature 27C, minimum 10C.   35km/h SW winds.  Rain this evening not measured yet.
Flowers in the Mairie's garden.

The boulangerie was quiet today!

Cheese in the market.






Odds and ends.


as above.

Ducks, chickens and other poultry.


Which we had for lunch.


  1. Such a wonderful array of goods at your market.

  2. Oh Diane, I bet you had a ball in this lovely market!
    The oysters look so fresh and yummy!
    We also had 27 °C here, it was a wonderful warm day... Today is far from that!!
    Thank you for you kind words, they really mean much to me :)
    Warm hugs and enjoy your sunday :)

    1. Always our main reason to go to the market - we love oysters:-) One summer's day and the rain has returned, getting a but fed up with it but just hope it rains when we are away! Take it easy and keep well big hugs Diane

  3. Food, food, food. Ah to be able to visit the cheese vendor! The weather is beautiful here right now so this evening we'll barbecue a steak and roast a potato, sautée some mushrooms and onions, a little tossed salad and have dinner on the patio. A little Merlot will help it all go down!

    1. David wish we could have a barbecue, the rain started again yesterday evening and has been at it ever since! Your meal sounds great and I bet Canadian steak is good. Cheers Diane


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