Saturday, May 28, 2016

28/05/2016 Out for a walk trying to beat the rain home!

Maximum temperature 22C, minimum 12C.  17 km/h NE winds. Light shower so far, but warnings of storms forecast.
I have never seen so many daisies as this year.

Dog rose, they are pink but the colour does not pick up on my photos!


Large wood pile.

Thought this was quite pretty.

Ignoring me!

Hay bales.

Elderberry, I know someone who will be making elderberry cordial :-)

A close up of the flower.

More hay bales in transit.

Roses on someone's wall.

Watching the rain in the distance.

Irises by the side of the track.

The rain seems to be moving the same direction as I am walking so missing me...

Nearly home, we had a light shower as I walked through the door.


  1. The hay bales, or silage as we would call them, have different colour wrapping! We used to be only able to get green, but now hot pink is available and money from those sales goes to breast cancer research.

    1. I have not really taken that much notice of the colour of the wrapping, but yes now you say it I notice there is green, blue and black here. Pink is a brilliant idea and even better that something goes to towards cancer research. Have a good day Diane


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