Thursday, July 27, 2017

27/07/2017 No post yesterday as the WiFi connection was so slow!!! Sorry.

Maximum temperature 21, minimum 14C.   18 km/h SW winds with 23 km/h gusts. 3 mm rain measured. It feels like winter!!
Yesterday we met friends at Massignac and drove part way to Cognac for lunch at Les Metaires
This is the Office de Tourisme at Massignac...

behind the hedge is this cow :-)  It is cattle country.

Eglise Saint-Jean.  The original church was burnt down during the Wars of Religion, this church was built in the 18th century....

The church from the back...

and behind the church is the beautifully restored Lavoir

Think this is Black-eyed Susan planted at the front of the church....

and beside it is this little Insect Hotel.

Not sure about the date carved on this, but I understand,  near the church is a fountain devoted to Saint Paul, whose holy waters were said to have the power to rid children of their nightmares. This was the only possible place I could track down.

The narrow streets of Massignac...

The shops which were closed, I am guessing they are all on holiday.  France just closes down for their summer holidays!
More tomorrow about the delightful luncheon, the weather day today is miserable cold and damp. Not a good day for photos!!


  1. Hello Diane,
    Yep, it has felt like winter here too for some days, although the sun is popping out this afternoon.
    Your pics are great, I have to say the restored lavoir is wonderful!
    And I love this insect hotel, they are getting quite popular here and there.
    Keep well and enjoy this coming weekend

    1. Hi Noushka, I also love those Insect hotels, I have seen a few around.
      That is a particularly lovely lavoir and it is well cared for.
      Thanks for the comment always appreciated. Hope you have a good weekend Diane

  2. Beautiful series! One thing that attracts me is the hanging pots of flowers. I like the cow sculpture and cute insect hotel. Your roads are so neat and clean. Have a beautiful day!

    1. I am not so sure a bout the big cities but generally speaking France is neat and clean. There was a lady cutting back the dead flowers on the hanging baskets so they are well cared for. Have a good Sunday Diane

  3. Diane, you have shared such a lovely tour, what a gorgeous place!

    1. So many beautiful historic villages nearby and each one has its own beauty. Take care and have a good weekend Diane

  4. Okay you know I love color and I love the color of the shutters on the first pic. Beautiful colors. Great photos. I love seeing the differences in the buildings from yours to ours here in Nashville. Beautiful....We are 98 degrees with a feels like and heat index of over a 100 and I am staying in!

    1. Pam there are some very colourful shutters around but but not many very bright, our neighbour has red but think that is pretty rare. French buildings are very different to American as we saw when we were there last year. I wish it was hotter here!!! take care Diane

  5. "Wars of Religion" seems like a bit of an oxymoron doesn't it? But it's been going on forever and I doubt it will ever stop.

    1. I don't think religious wars will ever stop, but I cannot understand why. In fact I cannot understand any war, just some people are greedy and everyone else suffers for their greed!! Have a good day Diane

  6. A delightful town, thank you for sharing Diane. Always lovely to see the part of the world you live in.

    1. Thanks Denise, France is a very easy place to take photos of, almost always something of interest. Have a good weekend Diane

  7. Replies
    1. I would like to make one but there ever seems to be enough hours in the day anymore !!!! Diane


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