Tuesday, August 1, 2017

01/08/2017 a frustrating day dealing with Microsoft but I hope I ended up with the right answers! A few lucky emergency photos.

Maximum temperature 27, minimum 14C.   11 km/h NE winds with 14 km/h gusts. Thunder and lightning at 02h45 but only 2mm of rain.
Californian Poppy.

Common Blue male possibly, but certainly Polyommatus species....

as above.

as above.

Bind weed (wish we could get rid of it) and bug.

Coma butterfly (Polygonia c-album)...

As above but in the neighbours property so quite far!

Gate keeper (Male)  (Pyronia cecilia)

Small Heath (Coenonympha pamphilus)

Small Copper (Lycaena phlaeas )...

as above...

as above.

Zinnia with a bug and bottoms up !


  1. Soooooo sorry for the Microsoft issues!!!!! -sighhhhh-

    Beautiful photos!

    Oh my, Binder Vine we call it here. It is totally EVIL. Invasive. Invasive. Invasive. As you know, or you wouldn't say what you did.

    And I have read that those blossoms, are really awful. They spread their parent vine, on, with so much ability.


    Previous next door neighbor's BF planted scrub trees all along the fence... And allowed a "jungle" to develop. A perfect place, for Binder Vine to flourish! And, as you must know, it came under the fence, as well as over. We have fought and fought, but mostly given up down there.


    And it could be such a lovely place, to have all sorts of flowers, along the back fence. And tomatoes too!

    Yes, no doubt about it. Binder Vine is evil!!!!!! Grrrrr.......

    Back to your issues. Best of luck with them. Hope you did get the right answers! And they solve the problem.

    Gentle hugs...

    1. All seems well on my laptop but we have to see if it all works the same now when Nigel gets his new computer!!! Fingers crossed as I cannot go through all that nonsense again, very stressful.
      We have Bind weed everywhere and we both hate the stiff. The roots go down so far it is impossible to get them out and to paint each plant with a weed killer is impossible!! Take care Diane

  2. Very nice series of photographs and I hope you got the right answers from Microsoft. Computer problems can drive you mad!

    1. Eventually ! got the right answer for the download on my laptop but I have to fathom it all out again when Nigel collects his new computer on Thursday!!!!!!!!! Stressful and infuriating! Happy August Diane

  3. Diane, your photos are magical! I love how you manage to capture every little detail of the beauty around you. Thank you so much for sharing, dear friend. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

    1. Thanks Linda, I was so lucky yesterday as I really just dived out to get a couple of shots and the butterflies were waiting for me!!!!! No further developments as yet! Take care Diane

  4. Oh my, absolutely stunning photos Diane. Thank you for starting my day with such beautiful photos :)

    1. Thanks Denise for the lovely comment, much appreciated. Have a good day Diane.

  5. p.s. Hope those frustrating Microsoft issues sort themselves out.

    1. They seem to have on my computer but we still have to go through it all again on Nigel's new one when we collect it tomorrow! Diane

  6. Gorgeous macros Diane. Do you use a tripod when you take macros? They are so sharp! If not you must have such a steady hand ☺

    1. No I seldom ever use a tripod. The insects are far too quick for me to set things up. Even my moonshot yesterday was handheld as the clouds were moving back and forth. I think my hand is pretty steady :-) Hope you are feeling better Diane

  7. Rhodesia, you always seem to find all the creatures and critters to shoot. Great job. Love them.

    1. There are many insects everywhere, you just have to get your eye into looking for them!! Sometimes I have a problem especially if I am tired. Cheers Diane


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