Monday, July 31, 2017

31/07/2017 Not a good day all round but a few drive by photos en route to La Rochefoucauld!

Maximum temperature 26, minimum 14C.   13 km/h NW winds with 17 km/h gusts.  Light drizzle in the morning not enough rain in the gauge to measure.
Next village after leaving home we passed this field of maize.

Driving through La Rochefoucald.

Stopping at Media Concept.  Nigel's laptop is making odd complaints, so we decided to order a new computer before he ends up with a disaster. The one he is using is now quite old and he is still on Windows 7!

Saw this as we shot past, never noticed it before, must be a new shop so will look properly next time.  Pity about the chimney!!!

Shopping at Leclerc...

and spotted this St John's Wort in the shrubbery outside. Note the little spider as well, an extra bonus :-)

Driving back home - men at work...

Grape vines...

orchard of apples...

Poppies that would not keep still in the wind, I got Nigel to stop the car for this shot...

Our local chateau...

Wood for sale, I don't want to think about winter approaching!...

and almost home - making hay while the sun sort of shines!


  1. Fabulous photos...

    Oh those poppies. We have such a hard time, growing them. -sigh-

    Best of luck with his new computer. Is it a Mac, perhaps? Since you said, his old one is "still on Windows." We do love our Macs.

    Happy Lughnasa!
    Or Happy Lammas, if you say it, the English way!
    Luna Crone

    1. Thanks Luna sorry, yes you had posted here before but because we were changing from office 2010 to Home365 I was struggling with my computer for 2 days. The new product arrived totally in French and caused many complications for me. It has taken 2 days of many calls to get an English version, having already paid for it we were not buying another one! No, it is not a Mac (too expensive) so he will have to get used to Windows 10.
      I also love poppies. Hope I will get sorted properly in the next few days!!! Take care Diane

  2. I love my drives around your area with you. Its a mix of new and old. Is the Chateau lived in? Lovely temperature there not much different from here in the middle of the day.

    1. Yes Diane the chateau is lived in. It is a lady who was a used to do 3 day eventing on horse back for France and her husband. Hope that all is well t'other Diane

  3. Love to see all these scenes Diane. Those poppies are extraordinarily beautiful.

    1. Thanks Denise, the poppies might have been even better if the wind had stopped blowing them!!! Keep well Diane

  4. Bummer about Nigel's laptop, but you are smart to get a new one before it conks out totally.

    1. We should be collecting it on Thursday. Meanwhile I have had all the teething problems on my laptop so hope I can sort everything out for Nigel easily!!! Cheers Diane

  5. Love the chateau.......and look at all that wood. Someone has been chopping away for sure! What are your winter months there?

    1. We are Southern hemisphere Pam so mainly December to March. Hope you are well Diane

  6. Nice photos! If Nigel is still using Windows 7 it was definitely time for a new laptop. Hope he is enjoying it!


    1. Velva not a new laptop this time a table top with a decent size screen, I am quite jealous :-) He collects it on Thursday. Hope all is well in your world Diane

  7. I thank God for the light shower in the afternoon to cool down the heat. I like the chateau and the lovely flowers. I have never seen an actual apple tree. Have a beautiful day!

    1. We have three apple trees but as we planted them they are not yet as big as these :-) Keep cool Diane

  8. Mmmm, I know I posted a comment here. But it is not showing....

    I asked about new computer, would it be a Mac, perhaps?

    If you have Comment Moderation on, you have not looked at it yet, I guess.

    Beautiful poppy, as I said, before. :-)

    Luna Crone

    1. Answer now above, hopefully I am sort of sorted out!!!! Diane

  9. Great photos, Diane! And I never tire of poppies. :)

    1. Thanks Linda, I agree I also love poppies - of all colours. Diane

  10. Hope you've solved Nigel's computer problem. I am so far behind reading.


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