Thursday, August 31, 2017

31/08/2017 A drive to La Rochelle and back

Maximum temperature 23C, minimum 13C.  5 km/h NE chilly wind with 26km/h gusts.  Yesterday's rain was not enough to measure!!!
Not often we see sunrise!!!

Under the TGV (the new high speed train line)

Road works as always!

I love the French road signs....

as above

Not sure how I managed to photograph such a quiet bit of road!  It was quite busy at times.

Vineyards of Cognac...

The vines are as far as the eye can see in every direction.

Passing the town of Cognac.

Courvoirsier -One of the big four Cognac houses

Tolls, but only one on this route.

Passing the town of Saintes in the distance.

Natural roundabouts.

A few more photos to follow tomorrow.


  1. Replies
    1. France has beautiful road signs. We discover all sorts of place through the signs that normally we would never see!! Have a great weekend Diane

  2. Wow...thanks for sharing such great pics. I love seeing the area in which you live.

    1. It is a pleasure and I love sharing. Hope you have a happy weekend Diane

  3. Really lovely photos, that toll looks like a stadium from afar. Greetings!

    1. Ha ha, quite a fancy toll. Glad you enjoyed our trip. All the best Diane

  4. What an unusually coloured sky! It's almost an aquamarine hue like the sea. I always make time for sunset and sunrise if I'm in a place to view them.

    1. We get some great sunsets and sunrises here, but I have to admit since we retired sunrises are seldom seen!!!
      Hope you have a good weekend Diane

  5. I felt as if I was with you, Diane! Beautiful!

    1. Thanks Linda and take care. Hope all is well Diane

  6. I shall expect my sample pack of Courvoisier in the mail soon!

    1. One place we have not visited, not even sure if they do tours, but we have been to the others closer to Cognac. We both love a good cognac :-))) Enjoy your weekend Diane

  7. Lovely photos again, Diane! You guys live surrounded by such beauty. I'll tell you one thing we have in common, lots of traffic! Your road signs are much nicer than ours! And, as far as I know we have no roundabouts here. I don't miss having to pay tolls, but from what I gather we will be again before long.

    Hope you and Nigel enjoy your weekend.

    1. Now you mention it I do not remember roundabouts in America but.....I had not thought about it. Cheers Diane


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