Wednesday, September 27, 2017

27/09/2017 Another day in the kitchen so low on photos.

Maximum temperature 22C,  minimum 12C.  6 km/h SE wind with 13 km/h gusts. 3mm of rain  measured this morning. 
I was waiting for Nigel to return from a quick trip to town and I saw this beetle on the barn wall, possibly a leaf beetle but I do not know which one.

While I was waiting I thought I would have a look at the neighbour's garden (they are away) a pretty rose...

and a yellow daisy but not an insect anywhere in sight!

Back home a wasp in the laurel hedge...

A small heath in the greenhouse (Coenonympha pamphilus)

this little lizard with a mouthful, goodness know what it had, but I only had one shot at it and it vanished into the wood stumps.


So many medlars, very tasty but a pain to work with, they need to rot first!!!

Also lots of quinces...

Today was more quince jelly and bottled fruit.

We are out at sparrow tomorrow morning and I do not know what time we will be home.  If I miss a day I will catch up on Friday.

For those that are interested Part four of our trip to Botswana and Southern Africa is HERE


  1. You had an interesting day. The simple little discoveries like a lovely yellow rose, a beetle, and a lizard with its mouth full are treasures.

    1. Thanks Emma, I think that mouthful that the lizard has will keep him going through winter :-) Have a good day Diane

  2. Melars... New to me!

    More wonderful "putting up," as the old saying goes... For making jams and jellies and etc., etc. Do they have that saying, where you have lived..? I always love old colloquialisms.

    "We are out at sparrow tomorrow..." To me, that is a local to you colloquialism. Hope you enjoy your time.

  3. I think you do more preserving and canning than anyone I have ever known.

    1. I can't let all the fruit (and vegetables) go to waste....... Keeps us and friends going in winter. Take care Diane

  4. I love the calendula! I want to have some in my garden!

    Have a good day!

    1. Better known as English marigold, they just reseed year after year. I love them. Take care Diane

  5. Another beautiful series, Diane, and whatever that lizard caught is huge!

    1. Yes Linda a very big mouthful but I have no idea what it is!! Hope all is well Diane

  6. My dad sure would be envious of that beautiful rose. He had a bit of a rose garden at the end of the house, but recently took it down because he was finding the maintenance too hard. Lovely photos.

    1. I have to admit that I am finding having a big garden hard work nowadays, but I guess I will last a few more years yet if all goes well :-) Cheers, Diane

    2. Not that I've ever been a great gardener, (my dad did it all), but I miss having fresh fruit and veggies picked straight from the backyard on the very same day of eating. I grew up in the countryside and dad grew a lot of our food. I'd like to have that back, but realize that there is quite a bit of work in gardening.

  7. Love the critters and flowers from your garden. The yellow rose is so beautiful. Quince and medlar are new to me. Have a wonderful day!

    1. I had never seen medlar before we moved here but I did now about quince though I had never worked with it. Happy day Diane

  8. Great compositions. Love the lizard.

    1. Thanks so much Grant for your visit and comment much appreciated. Think that lizard must have a very full stomach to hibernate on! Have a good day Diane

  9. One of my fav colors in nature is yellow....looks like you have the color covered today. Beautiful shots. And YUMMY on the canning.

    1. I could not agree more, it is somehow a very happy colour. We are going to look like quince jelly very soon :-)) Take care Diane

  10. Fabulous floral macros Diane.. looks almost like the lizard has part of his tail in his mouth ☺

    1. Grace that was the first thing I said to Nigel but I think it is too thick !!! Nor unheard of though so I believe! Take care Diane

  11. Hello from Idaho and found your blog though Yum...Never had quince jelly...If you fine the time stop in for a cup of coffee.

    1. Thanks for the visit and the comment. If you have never had quince jelly you do not know what you are missing. It is very yummy. Keep well and have a good day Diane

  12. Not all the beautiful flowers need to have bugs.

    1. Your right but I was surprised that we have insects in many places in our garden and I did not see one in the neighbour's garden!! They are seldom there so no reason for them to have run away :-)) Keep well Diane


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