Wednesday, October 24, 2018

24/10/2018 A successful day and a walk in the local area.

Maximum temperature today 20C, minimum 6C.  Dry; 13km/h North-easterly winds with up to 31 km/h gusts.  

Still lots to do on the computer but getting there!!

At last, we are residents of France. We collected our ‘Titre de sejour’ from the Prefecture in Angouleme today. We now have British passports and a French resident card. Now if only Brexit would go away…………………

We are lucky we have some lovely places to walk all direct from our house.  Vapour trails in a blue sky.

Our house is behind the trees on the right.

Growing by the side of the road - note the Small copper butterfly on the left that I did not see until I downloaded the photo. 

Chickens in a farmers garden.

Also by the side of the road,

Happy cattle resting.

Sure this must be two plants planted together !

Grapes - almost time for pruning.

Lucerne just starting to grow.


Possibly winter wheat I am not sure.

Men at work.....

Off to lunch on the spare tractor....

The two workers standing by while waiting for the return of the drivers...

Here you can see the difference in the work of the two, ploughing on the right and harrowing on the left after the plough has turned the soil over.  Maybe planting seed as well; I have lost touch with what is what with farm implements.

Unusual shaped tomatoes in a garden,  I thought they were peppers at first but the leaf is definitely tomato.

Back home and our neighbour's tractor, presume he is also at lunch.

I will be back with My Bird Blog HERE as soon as I get my photos sorted !!!


  1. Replies
    1. We love it and there is always something different to see in and around the area. Take care Diane

  2. Unfortunately, Diane, I don’t think Brextit is going away. I hope Britain’s final departure from the EU will not cause problems for residents like you.

    1. David I am sure it is going to cause problems; our main pension comes from there...... Our SA pension is just laughable at 18.8 R = 1£ When Nigel first went to RSA 2R = 1£. How things have changed. We at least should be visa free with what we have now. We live in hopes. Take care Diane

    2. When I last visited France we stayed at a B&B run by a retired British Airways pilot and his wife, and I have wondered how all this affects them. Perhaps they will just take French citizenship. Is that even an option for you?

    3. I think as long as they are French residents it will not be a problem. Visas are more than likely to come in for UK residents to visit France after Brexit!!! What a pain. Yes citizenship is an option, but I do not think necessary. Under 60 your French has to be pretty much fluent so far as we understand, but the over 60's it seems can get away with quite a lot. Nigel would be fine but I would more than struggle.

  3. Harvest time is great to see. And just look at all the colors.

    1. It is very pretty I just do not like the harvest mites that not only bite but itch likemad!!! Take care Diane

  4. Good on you with your 'titre de sejour' card! My sentiments on Brexit exactly... xx

    1. Gaynor we hope that it is going to solve some of the problems but sure there are going to be many more yet!!! It is a real pain to say the least of it. Hope all is well with you, Diane

  5. Awesome beautiful bright and colorful pics! Love the blue sky. I always love a beautiful blue sky. Great job. Glad that you are up and running again from the computer issues.

    1. Thanks Pam. Yes I am up and running but still missing quite a lot that I need to put back. I need time and patience and the latter is something I am not good at!!! Keep well Diane

  6. Lovely photo's, Diane. I sure had missed you! :)


    1. Thanks for those kind words Sally. Take care Diane

  7. You live in a beautiful place. Lovely countryside. I too thought those were chilies.

    1. Ha-ha they do look like chilies, but the leaf was a giveaway! Take care and enjoy the weekend Diane

  8. I'm guessing being officially French residents will make things easier in future negotiations Diane, is that right? How lucky you are to live surrounded by such beautiful countryside, I'm a wee bit envious of those walks ✨

    1. Macron is already talking about visas for British passport holders to visit France so yes, the titre de sejour will (we hope) sort out that problem. You would love the walks around here, they are the same in every direction, only 10 houses in our hamlet. Time to get over your fear of flying Grace. Enjoy what is left of your weekend, Diane

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks Pam, hope all is well have a good weekend Diane

  10. You really do live rural. I love it! Congrats on getting your residency.

    1. Thanks Gaelyn, hopefully it will solve some of the problems Brexit is causing but not all! Oh yes, we are definitely rural and in all directions. Take care and enjoy the weekend Diane

  11. Both looks and sounds like beautiful weather.

    1. Sadly the weather did not last, winter has now arrived!!! Cheers Diane


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