Wednesday, July 31, 2019

31/07/2019 Join us on a drive to Verteuil-sur-Charante.....

Maximum temperature today 23C, minimum 13C.  Dry.  7km/h South-westerly winds with gusts up to 21 km/h.  

This post is a bit longer than my normal ones but I did not want to split the drive into two.  I generally keep posts shorter as our very slow WiFi connection makes loading the photos very difficult!

First stop was at the post office in Chasseneuil which is next to the church - above...

and one of the two the pharmacies.

Back on the road; passing through Valence.  The creeper was a wisteria but I only saw one flower.  Must be beautiful when fully out.


Man at work.


Verteuil-sur-Charente, town centre...

Looking over the shops, the Chateau de Verteuil in the background...

The Mairie (mayor's office).  All closed up - August holidays...

The Charente river...

The Moulin Restaurant next to the river...

The weir...

A family out having fun.

A view of the Chateau de Verteuil from the bridge...

The Château de Verteuil is an historical building. It dates back to 1080 and has since been extensively rebuilt, although 12th-century walls remain. The château has always been in the property of the La Rochefoucauld family and is privately owned...

The working mill is open to visitors...

The sign on the wall in French and English...

A small tea room by the river...

The main road into the centre of Verteuil, this is two way!!

An old delivery bike on a wall.

Driving back more sunflowers near the town of La Rochefoucauld,,

Haybales and maize in the background...

A fairly new tractor at work...

and just after we passed an older model also at work. Apologies for the reflection off the side window!

The Chateau de Rochefoucauld in the town of La Rochefoucauld where some of the family still live.  Part of which is open to visitors. The first fortification was erected around 980.

Some of the woodland around the above chateau.

See also my Bird blog 


  1. Oh my goodness . . . thank you for this post and allowing us to travel with you on this glorious trip. I love every photo, but I must say that the fields of sunflowers did make my old heart skip a beat, beautiful :)

    1. Thank you Connie, yes I agree the sunflowers are just amazing, but it is also a very interesting town. I would have liked to have walked further but I do not like walking alone and leaving my husband to wait. He is limited to just hoe far he can walk sadly. Have a great day, Diane

  2. I am glad that you persevered with your stone age WIFI to bring us this complete post of so charming an area. And 23 degrees was a wonderful temperature to enjoy it all.

    1. I was going to say you have no idea how frustrating slow WiFi is, but I am sure you do know. I feel like we are almost as bad as dial-up which is what I had years ago in Africa!!! Yes the temperature was pretty much perfect but I see all the leaves are dropping already which is a worry, it cannot be autumn arriving already!!! Hope you have a good weekend Diane

    2. Hi Diane: The trees may be dropping their leaves due to heat stress given the abominable temperatures you have had to suffer through.

    3. David you are probably right as even the bay tree has dropped a lot of leaves as have some of the other evergreens.

  3. You have no idea how much I enjoy These little day trips. Another good one. Thank you.

    1. I am so glad that you enjoy these virtual drives with us. Enjoy your weekend, Diane

  4. Fantastic photos Diane. I really love seeing the town and the fabulous fields of sunflowers.

    1. Thanks Penny, it is a joy to share these lovely drives with people in other parts of the world. Hope your weekend is a good one, Diane

  5. Such a charming area. I love the variety in your photos! Thanks for taking me along.

    1. Many thanks Marie, always a pleasure to share parts of France, with other people elsewhere. Happy weekend Diane

  6. What a very pretty journey you have taken us on Diane, the weather looked perfectly divine also. Loooove the fields of sunflowers, love everything really. The chateau looks amazing in the background 💙

    1. The weather is almost perfect at present though we could do with a drop of rain! There really are some magnificent buildings in Europe Hope your weekend is a good one. Diane

  7. You and Nigel live with so much beauty around. And, the buildings like we would never see here. There are, however, a few old ones in St Augustine. That one building you shared built in 980! That's amazing, Diane.

    I always enjoy seeing where y'all live and the surroundings.


    1. Sally the old buildings here just amaze me, if only some of the new buildings would last half as long! Our house is quite young and we know it is over 200 years old. Keep well Diane xx

  8. Wow! I loved this virtual journey. Thanks for taking us along!

    1. Thanks for the visit and the comment much appreciated. Glad you enjoyed the trip. Have a good weekend Diane

  9. What a wonderful place, the pictures are great to look at.Have a lovely weekend ☺

    1. Glad that you enjoyed them Natalia. You have a fab weekend as well, Diane

  10. I enjoy taking the drive with you through all those lovely places. The towns and buildings are so different from ours. Wow! to the sunflower field.

    1. Nancy I agree, we live in two countries that could not be much different in every aspect, but it makes it interesting. Keep well Diane

  11. I love the de Charente river. Very beautiful.

    1. It is a fabulous river but fairly low at present! Keep well Diane

  12. The new cars are in such contrast to the architecture. Would love to see that wisteria in full bloom. This was an amazing tour. Your photos and story are captivating.

    1. I agree re the cars there should be some law on driving new cars into old French villages 😊 Have a good a day Diane

  13. Oh I just love a drive through your country side! I have said it before but I love all the old rock and stone buildings. Our wisteria bloomed months ago here so it is all gone now. I just wished things like that could bloom and stay for months. Great tour and journey, thanks for letting me ride along.

    1. Most of the wisteria bloomed here ages ago as well. At least the fact there was one lone flower left made the ID of the plant easy! Glad you enjoyed the ride. Take care Diane

  14. Lovely scenes! Sunflower fields are fun to see.

    1. Thanks Linda, I love the yellow fields at this time of the year. Keep well, Diane.

  15. Replies
    1. Thanks for the visit and the comment, much appreciated. Have a great week, Diane

  16. Oh gee that field of sunflowers is lovely.

  17. Thank you for sharing this beautiful area Diane, lovely photos always. Enjoy your week!

  18. Great photos. I want to see a field of sunflowers now!

  19. Such great photos of the countryside, I enjoyed them. I felt like I was on the road with you.

  20. You definitely have the eye for taking great photos, Diane! Each one looks perfect! The chateau is charming and I love the field photos. And the gorgeous sky in the background, great photos, thanks for sharing! Take care

  21. Hi Diane - it's a wonderful area ... stunning photos and newsy bits ... lovely to see - cheers Hilary


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