Tuesday, November 19, 2024

19/11/2024 Oh dear I am even further behind....

The maximum temperature in the Charente today was 14⁰C, minimum 9⁰C. 90% rain is forecast for today. A North/West wind of 33km/h with gusts up to 63km/h.

I just liked this cloud!


Fly !  Possibly Dexia rustica but not sure


Orchids, they did well this year

House flower, (Kalanchoe).

Wild chicory (Cichorium intybus).

Jersey Tiger Moth (Euplagia quadripunctaria).

Speckled wood (Pararge aegeria).

Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta)....

As above...

As above.

Western Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) and Holly Blue butterfly (Celastrina argiolus).

Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus)....

As above

BumbleBee (Bombus lucorum) on the lavender.

If you look closely there are 3 bees involved here with pumpkin pollination.

Clematis and here ends the best of August's photos.


Comma butterfly (Polygonia c-album).

A stormy sunset.

Belle de Nuit, Night Beauty or 4 o'clock Flower (Mirabilis jalapa L)....

As above, just a change of colour.

House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) female.

Another sunset

Western Honey Bee (Apis mellifera).

Small white butterfly (Pieris rapae) male.

Male house Sparrow taking a bath (Passer domesticus).

Pampas grass.

   Flower Crab Spider also called Goldenrod Crab Spider.  French name: Thomise variable, (Misumena vatia)

Yep, another bee....

as above.

I think this may be a Small White butterfly female, but I am not convinced with the green tinge!

Southern sickle-bearing bush-cricket (Phaneroptera falcata) I think,  it is on a Calendula flower.

As above.

The Winter daffodil also called an Autumn crocus (Sternbergia lutea),

Grasshopper (Calliptamus barbarus).

A late sunflower with what I think is a hoverfly.

I think this is also a Bush-cricket but at a different stage of development than the ones above.  I am happy to have other suggestions. 

This is the best of what was left of August and all of September but life seems to keep getting in the way of blogging. I do though put a daily photo on blipfoto.com under the name of Charente, if you have never tried it take a look it is a fabulous community.

Please note for some unknown reason google keeps changing what I type when I hit publish so forgive me if there are a few oddities that it will not let me add what I want.... if it lets me add this!!!!!  4th try!


  1. I have redone the whole post to try and get it on without changes being made to what I have done. This could put me off blogging forever wasting my precious time. Diane

  2. Love that yellow spider! The butterflies are looking tattered this time of year. Late summer here they look the same. Such beautiful insect shots, as always!

    1. We have been very low on butterfly numbers this year so I was happy to see even tattered ones, I hope that numbers get back to normal next year. The crab spiders fascinate me and I seem to have seen a lot this year. Thanks for the comment,. Very best wishes Diane

  3. Hi, Diane: I don't think you are behind at all. You have been keeping us in suspense waiting for more of your beautiful pictures and their captions. I'm sorry that blogger has been creating problems for you and I certainly hope you don't give up on it. I will be personally devasted, bereft and would have to cry myself to sleep each night and I am sure you wouldn't want that on your conscience! Bonne journée et gros bisous - David

    1. Bonjour David, you comment made me laugh and today I think I will not be giving up, but slowing down maybe. Last night the laptop was ready to go out of the window. I have never had these problems before and despite rebooting, I still had to redo the website. Nine weeks in RSA next year and I will have to show you all the wonderful S.African animals we see. Think this will be our last trip so we have to make the most of it. Age and costs are catching up with us!! Gros bisous mon ami et pas de pleurs 😊Diane

    2. I envy you getting to spend nine weeks in RSA. I haven't been to Africa for going on 6 years due to costs, lack of time and health issues. Hopefully I get to go before I'm too old. Enjoy your time and I'll look forward to all your gorgeous photos from there. xx

    3. We are going to have to postpone our holiday we discovered today that Nigel needs to see a surgeon for his back so travel at the moment is out of the question :-(((( Check out my ones from this year in Namibia xx

  4. Ugh! Darn Google. The post and photos look great to me!

    1. Thanks Pam, I have no idea what happened before I redid the post but it would no change a couple of mistakes I made. At least I got it right in the end. Cheers Diane

  5. You took some fabulous macro photos...that cloud looks like a volcano eruption.

    1. Thanks Angie I thought the same with that cloud, it was to the side of a setting sun so catching the light perfectly. Keep well Diane

  6. Hi Diane - no don't give up ... I've always typed up what I want to post in Word, copied across as a new post, then inserted photos (sometimes the type goes funny ... but easily fixed, amend - you'll find your way) ... then publish or publish anon. Blogger usually then doesn't mess around. Oh I look forward to your SA ones ... but I love your views and news of Charente - I must have a look at that site. Probably enough to do ... but always happy to look. I get what your weather's like on my BBC site ... as too Vancouver Island, and then here ... it's warmish today - but the weather be fickle! Take care and enjoy being in France speaking English!! cheers Hilary

  7. Fotografías preciosas, me gustan todas. Gracias y besos.

    1. Gracias Teresa por el amable comentario. Besos, Diane

  8. Each and every photo, fabulous Diane! Thank you so much for sharing all the delights you see.

    1. Thanks Denise always a pleasure to hear from you. Cheers Diane

  9. Hello Diane. Yes, I am further behind than you. One thing and then another but I hope to be back blogging soon. All the best. Phil

    1. Hi Phil, I am not sure I will ever catch up, still some photos from Namibia that need going through and we will be back in RSA at the end of January. Take care Diane


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