Sunday, May 3, 2015

03/05/2015 Day one, drive to Albert and visit to the WW1 museum.

Maximum temerature in Albert France 17C, minimum 9C.  20 mm measured at home this morning and still raining.  Rain all the way to Paris, a short break, then more. It stopped just as we reached Albert!
And still it rains.....

Look hard in the centre - do you see the Eiffel Tower?

Nearing Albert.

Notre Dame de Brebieres in Albert.

Wall near the museum.

At the entrance of Musee Somme 1916


  1. Glad that you made it safely. At least on a Sunday there would have been no or very few lorries on the road. The museum will be most interesting I would imagine.

    1. Craig the museum was interesting. When I get my act together I will do a blog on it. So many photos already!!! Have a good day Diane

    2. Craig the museum was interesting. When I get my act together I will do a blog on it. So many photos already!!! Have a good day Diane


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