Tuesday, May 26, 2015

26/05/2015 Back to French scrabble this afternoon, difficult after having had a break!!

Maximum temperature 20C, minimum 6C. 31 km/h N wind. Dry.


  1. Replies
    1. I also love them, I still get excited especially when I see the green ones :-) Have a good day. Diane

  2. Hello Diane , I can imagine how hard it must be to get back into your "French Scrabble" sure you will be back into the swing of it again!! One thing is for sure , you never run out of interesting things to photograph. Love the gates , . take care Anne xox

    1. Anne it was very difficult, I have done almost no French for the past month and my brain just ceased up - next week hopefully will be better! The gates are very unusual! Keep well Diane xox

  3. As a fan of azaleas I love yours. Lovely cat (and that coming from a doggie person is a compliment indeed)! The lizards are clearly very much at home!

    1. Craig this azalea has never looked so good, obviously it is happy with the weather. As for the cat, it was very alert watching another one in an alley way! The lizards are great. Between them and the wild birds I feel like we have got special pets. Never having been without horses, dogs or cats all my life, it seems strange not to have them now. We do though want to travel when we can and it is not fair on putting animals in kennels constantly. Have a good evening Diane


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