Monday, June 8, 2015

08/06/2015 Can never do all the shopping in one place!

Maximum temperature 24C (the car was 26C) minimum 10C. 47 km/h NE wind. Dry. Watered garden.


  1. Some of those ride on mowers are quite sexy, but the price of a small family car! I found sitting on the mower in France quite cathartic. Much more so than pushing my Honda around now!

    1. I love our sit on mower Craig, first time in my life I have actually enjoyed cutting the grass :-) Keep well Diane

  2. Hi Diane . I love shopping in different shops , even just to see what they have on offer. And of course I love shopping in the French supermarkets more than in England !!! Take care xoxo Anne

    1. Different shops are great Anne when you have time. If you you just want to do a shop and get on with something else it takes time to go from one to another but.......... Have a good week Diane xox


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