Tuesday, June 16, 2015

16/06/2015 Bugs and a drive to a garden nursery to collect plants.

Maximum temperature 22C, minimum 13C. 33 km/h N wind. 1mm rain.


  1. What a great selection Diane! I love the second grand entry way. Makes you want to head in and see what the rest is like!

    1. Craig I have to agree with that second gateway, I would have loved to have disappeared down that dark and leafy lane to see what was beyond! Hope all is going well Diane

  2. Lovely varied set of shots. The bug on top is amazing! Any idea what it is?

    1. José I am not sure but I suspect that it may be a cricket nymph........ Thanks for the comment Diane

  3. Great splash of blue on the doors. On the wooden set which I think would be a garage door I would not be able to stay away from that. I would have to use that as a canvas and go to down.


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