Monday, April 10, 2017

10/04/2017 In the garden and out for a drive.

Maximum temperature 21C, minimum 10C. 12 kmh NE wind.   Dry.
Forecast says much cooler tomorrow!!!
Lawn cut this morning.

Wish I could put the perfume of this choisya ternata on the blog.


Quince blossom.

White bells

Rapeseed on either of the side.

The 14th century restored bridge at St Germain de Confolens.

and the chateau - I did write up on this Here

The 12th century church at Manot - Eglise Saint-Martial a Manot.

and inside.


  1. 12th century church still standing. Its amazing. I wonder how many modern churches will still be standing in 900 years. love your Spring garden.

    1. This is quite a young church by some standards!!! They built them well in the old days. Hope all is well, t'other Diane

  2. Lovely and interesting photos of your whereabouts, Diane.
    I am always sure to find lovely and bright shots of flowers when I come here :)
    the tulip colour is fantastic
    Just back from the Atlantic and off again to Spain friday!!
    Warm hugs and enjoy yourself!
    A trip soon maybe???

    1. Wow Noushka you are really gadding about but I am glad that you are keeping busy. Thanks for the comment and you know that you are welcome if you should come this way so long as we are not gadding about elsewhere :-))) Take care and drive carefully. Hugs Diane

  3. Fascinating and just gorgeous, Diane! That church is amazing, and your flowers are so beautiful and captivating! I can see myself enjoying a long walk there. Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Linda taking a walk along the river would be fantastic, but I walk alone as my husband has problems with his feet. When we are out it is driving only, so all my walks are local but it is so pretty around here and such a wide choice I do not mind. Keep well Diane

  4. These kinds of images reinforce the appeal of Europe for North Americans.

    1. So much history everywhere and all of great interest. I wish I now had enjoyed history at school as there is so much to catch up on! Have a good day Diane

  5. We need internet scratch and sniff.

    1. That would be a great idea. Now if you can come up with that you will be a millionaire :-) Diane


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