Saturday, December 2, 2017

02/11/2017 Just a few more photos from Nevis

Bananaquit (Coereba flaveola)...

as above...

As above.

Lesser Antillean bullfinch (Loxigilla noctis)

Nevis Peak - No historical eruptions are known from Nevis, and the youngest dated eruption was about 100,000 years ago.

Active fumaroles and hot springs are found on the island.  We went into this one.  The lady there told us it was 109F (42.8C) and wow it felt like it. 

Humming bird which I think is the Green throated Carib (Seriotes holosericeus)

As above.

Loving having your comments but I will only get back to replying when we get home 😊


  1. First Bananaquit I ever encountered was in Trinidad in 1969 when it perched on the edge of my plate of fruit and pecked away at my breakfast. I was happy to share.

  2. Great shots of the hummingbird! I have never seen the other birds. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Pretty yellow breast of the bananaquit. I'm not trusting any volcanoes right now.

  4. I am enjoying seeing photos from your travels. Enjoy!

  5. As always lovely and amazing bird photos! Enjoy your time!!

  6. The humming bird is stunning!!!!!!!! Thank you for sharing, Diane. Kisses!

  7. Fabulous birds (and images!), Diane. Knowing my luck, that volcano would erupt if I ever got there!


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