Monday, November 12, 2018

11/11/2018 We shall not forget them

Maximum temperature today 15C, minimum 10C.  2mm of rain measured this morning and still raining; 15km/h south-easterly winds gusting up to 38 km/h. 

The wreath is laid at our local village war memorial.

A minute's silence, before all the names on the memorial are read out.

In the village hall, one of our local residents has his display of WW1 memorabilia.

as above...

As above...

As above.  The articles on the wall give a brief but excellent year by year summary of the Great War and I have put them on a separate page HERE for those of you who speak French and might like to read further.

The service was followed by a repas (meal) that was cooked by the local ladies...

Here is the Maire (mayor), who, apart from his official duties, takes part in all village social affairs, serving up a tray of duck legs which were part of the main course.

I am not very good at selfies, but here I am with a flame lily (for all the Rhodesians) a poppy (for Remembrance) and the cornflower (for the French).

The local church looking pretty good for its age. The first stone was laid in the year 1080.

I have updated my bird blog HERE.


  1. Two of my close relatives have their names on war memorials for having died overseas during a war. Many other relatives served in times of war and peace. I will never forget.

    1. Emma Nigel has an uncle in a cemetery in France who we have visited, but when we toured the cemeteries in the North a few years back we found more relatives of his and mine. So sad and what a waste.
      Take care, Diane

  2. Great post honoring the vets, Diane! Wish I could've been there, it looks interesting with all the material on display. And the Maire with duck legs, what a treat, we would never be served that here, unfortunately. Your selfie is great and it's perfect that you're wearing your "flowers" proudly. We owe so much to veterans and they deserve this day of being recognized and honored. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Pam for the kind comment. We toured the war cemeteries a few years back, very poignant and hard not to let the tears flow at times.
      Keep well Diane

  3. Such a lovely way to remember, Diane. Thank you for sharing.

    That's a great 'selfie!


    1. Thanks Sally, ha ha I think is look different in a selfie and that was an 'off the cuff' one with little thought to it other than the 3 flowers. I hope all is well, Diane xx

  4. Looking good, Diane!

    Our mayor would not serve us I’m afraid!

    1. We have a fabulous mayor, he is a good mayor and he also mixes with the people and joins in with events as you can see. We are very lucky. Have a good day Diane

  5. You are a beautiful lady, Diane. I love your selfie.
    As for the Veterans Day, for sure we will never forget them. We do not celebrate this day in Greece.
    Kisses, my friend.

    1. Thnaks Mia for the kind comment. I hope all is well with you. Take care Diane

  6. That's a great community event -- the Mayor looks to be very friendly and proud of his community, as it appears everyone living there must also be. I did a little poking around here and was happy to see on your 'about me' page that you are the same Diane whose bird pictures I've enjoyed on your other blog! It is lovely to see your beautiful photos wherever you post them and it was fun here to read about your traveling life (in that about me page) and also to read about your life today here in this post. I look forward to returning for another visit!

    1. Thanks Sallie for your very kind comments and I am glad that you found the 'about me' page interesting. I have led a very interesting life. Fairly well travelled and I have lived in several places along the way. Not sure if you have seen my blog ‘Life before the Charente’ but I have been trying to tell my story there though I have not added to it recently. Being retired is very busy!!! Take care and have a good day Diane

  7. Very lovely service and wonderful sunshiney day for it too. I do like your pins. Here we have a parade and an annual service down at the cenotaph. It's usually raining though this year it was dry. Usually when it is dry here in late Fall and Winter it is also very cold. So I'm not sure what is better, getting wet or freezing. I always feel bad for the veterans no matter what kind of day it is as it is a long time to stand or sit. After the official services there are numerous neighbourhood gatherings.

    1. The weather was remarkable, it had rained for two days before and the rain returned on the night of the 11th. Certainly, someone was looking down on us but not so in Paris where it was very wet!! It is always a touching service and I easily get choked up when all the names of the fallen are called out and so many from the same families.
      Hope all is well with you, Diane

  8. A wonderful tribute for the heroes. So good to gather and celebrate with the local community. I like your selfie shot. The church has a very strong building. Have a happy day!

    1. Nancy the church is pretty good for its age. Buildings that are built today will not last like that has. Thanks for the comment, I hope all is well with you, Diane

  9. Replies
    1. I sinerely hope not and I hope the children of today appreciate what went before them Keep well Diane

  10. I didn't know about the flame lily or the cornflower. A lovely ceremony and very enjoyable photos.. Enjoyed your selfie too :)

    1. Flame lilies grow in the ‘Hondo’ valley, where brave soldiers fought and fell,
      They witnessed courageous young men fight to the very gates of Hell.

      Like the crimson poppies of Flanders field, let Rhodesians always recall,
      We too have a flower of great beauty that witnessed brave Rhodesians fall.

      The cornflower, as with the poppy grew by the thousands on the fields in Flanders, also the young French army lads had uniforms that were blue.

      Keep well Diane

  11. So nice to "see" you! That was a nicely framed selfie.

    1. Thanks, It was probably better as I was concentrating on the flowers on my coat and the buildings behind LOL. Cheers Diane

  12. A nice gathering of remembrance. I am saddened and embarrassed by our current POTUS not attending any ceremony because of rain. What a ass. Your selfie is nice, you look beautiful. I am hankering duck now.

    1. Shame he might have got his hair wet!!!!!!! Just had friends to lunch and we had duck again, you should have joined us. Thanks for the very kind comment, appreciated. Hugs Diane

  13. A lovely celebration and a meal too. That is a great community spirit. The age of the church stones is amazing.

    1. We are lucky we live in a great commune with some lovely people. The churches here are amazing, so well built! Keep well t'other Diane

  14. Lovely remember Diane and beauty pictures , hope you are doing well .

    1. Thanks Gloria and good to hear from you. Hope you are also well. Diane

  15. I love to see you! And thanks for this touching blogpost

    1. Thanks Aritha, amemorable day. Hope all is well. Diane

  16. How wonderful Diane. I must admit I do sometimes miss the close community events like this when living in a bigger city, when we lived in Zambia we were in a small town called Kitwe. Lovely to see village communities come together, the repas cooked by the ladies of the village looks delicious and somehow so French ☺

    1. I also love the community spirit here so different to big towns. Yes I know Kitwe, been there done that 😉 As quite normal, we were the only English there so yes very French! Keep well Diane


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