Sunday, May 3, 2020

03/05/2020 A collection of insects from the garden.

After a whole week of rain, it is still raining, but if the forecast has it right it will be hot and sunny tomorrow going up to 28C.
Maximum temperature here today 20⁰C, minimum 13⁰C.  7mm of rain measured this morning.  16km/h South-Westerly wind with gusts up to 35 km/h. 

Chafer beetle (Cetonia cuprea) on the flowers of the Red Robin shrub (photinia x fraseri).

Longhorn beetle (not sure which one) also on the Red Robin.

As above and love is in the air!

As above.

Robber fly I think! 

Hoverfly. All the above were on the Red Robin.

Bumble bee on the sage

As above.

A different bee again, not sure which, on the winter broccoli going to seed

Yet another bee on the sage.

The only shot I managed of this Red admiral butterfly (Vanessa atalanta), also on the Red Robin.

Speckled wood (Pararge aegeria).

I missed the first part of this story but only saw the spider dive across the web to catch the Crane fly...

It then turned away in disgust, obviously not as tasty as first thought..

The Crane fly was left on its own to try and break free of the web.  It finally did just that, but minus one leg in the process.

See also my


  1. OMW Diane, such beautiful images. The Red Admiral Butterfly shot took my breath away. Brilliant. I trust you're safe and keeping well.

    1. Thanks Jo for the comment, I am glad that you are well and managing OK with all the restrictions. Take care and keep well Diane

  2. Impressive macro work, Diane. The first image of the Chafer Beetle is fabulous. Your temperature seems already to be at mid summer values. Yesterday it was a very pleasant 16.5 degrees here. Today is supposed to get up to nineteen. Perfect for being outdoors.

    1. Thanks David. I am still struggling with my lens and until the shops are open and we are allowed to travel as far as Bordeaux there is no chance of getting it looked at. I am getting some good shots but an awful lot of failures!!

      I will really be glad when this rain eases off and I can get back out into the garden which is waterlogged at present. The lawn mower would simply sink even if the grass dries out enough!!

      Take care and best wishes to you both. Diane

  3. Hi Diane - great shots ... and I love seeing the insects. It's raining (heavy mist) here at the moment teatime Sunday! ... but we've had some good rains too - needed them. I gather we've a week of normal weather, then the arctic air appears again - I've had enough of east winds and arctic/Siberian cold!! At least it's lighter ... take care - and stay safe - Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary we had one dry day yesterday but rain again last night. We are saturated! I agree I hate cold winds, nothing worse. Take care and keep well Diane

  4. Each insect in its turn is so well captured. Fantastic photos!

    1. Thanks Marie. Glad that you are getting some restrictions lifted. Keep well Diane

  5. I always love to look at your macro shots with the insects so sharply detailed. Your flowers are also beautiful and your photos are brilliant!!! Thanks Diane!

    1. I just wish I had a macro lens but I manage OK with what I have I guess! Keep well Diane

  6. You must be so patient to get these fabulous shots especially of the fast moving bees.

    1. I am the most impatient person in the world. I have friends that sit for hours in camouflage tents with camouflage outfits who take amazing shots but if I lasted even 1/2 an hour like that I would be very surprised! Keep well t'other Diane

  7. Selam . Güzel bloğunuz var

    1. Yorum için teşekkür ederim, takdir ediyorum. Diane

  8. Oh my gosh an excellent series of macros Diane, every one a beauty 💜 Your garden must be heaven for bees and other insects 🐝 Take care xox

    1. Thanks Grace, A few plants really attract them but there does not seem to be as many, or the selection, as in previous years. Keep well Diane

  9. Nice series of small critters from your garden. It is raining almost every day and forecast reported to expect rain this afternoon. Have a happy day.

    1. Thank you Nancy we have just had too much rain, and after a couple of dry days the rain has returned yet again. I hope it soon lets up a bit. Keep well Diane

  10. With that raise in temperature I'd say you are in full swing to summer. Plus all the lovely flowers that draw in the interesting insects. Am dealing with Crane Flies here also. Be well.

    1. The cold returns next week, I suspect we will have to put the central heating back on!!! Hopefully it will not last and that we do not get a frost or the garden is going to take a turn for the worse! Stay safe, Diane

  11. I always loving scrolling through and seeing your beautiful flower and bug pics. You are very knowledgeable on all those bugs and critters. Thanks for brightening my day.

    1. I am only too happy to brighten your day 🌞 Take care Diane

  12. Hi Diane. At long last I've got round to doing something that I've been meaning to do for a long time and that is to add a link to this blog from my blog, so that I am alerted every time you put up a new blog post. Hopefully, I'll not miss one again!

    As always, your camera work is excellent, even if your lens is playing up, and you have found some super subjects to capture. I'm pretty sure that your 'bee' that you've marked as anthidium variegatum is, in fact, a hoverfly. The main clue is in the antennae - in general a bee has longer antennae which are quite well spaced, whereas a hoverfly has short antennae which are close together and appear to come out of a short 'nose' - like those in your shot. The style/shape of the eyes is different between bees and hoverflies too, with bees eyes tending to look shiny and look as if they're running down the side of the face.

    I particularly love your beetle shots.

    Best wishes to you both. Take great care - it will all be over one day! - - - Richard

    1. Hi Richard I think you are absolutely right that it is a hover fly and I agree re the antennae, I had my doubts but the markings were much more like the picture I had of the bee than of any I have of a hover fly !!

      Thanks so much for the comment appreciated. Hope all is well in your part of the world. Take care and stay safe, very best wishes Diane

  13. Always yours pictures are amazing and beautiful ! Take care dear Diane !!

    1. Thanks you Gloria for the comment and you stay safe as well. Difficult times for us all. Cheers Diane

  14. I've been doing a lot more gardening lately and have been learning which insects are good (and not good) for the garden. Monica - The Yum List

    1. Being forced to stay home has changed people's world and ideas. Nature has come out tops. Stay well Diane

  15. Wow. Lots of insects visit your garden! That's a great variety of them


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