Saturday, June 13, 2020

More insects from May and June Part 3

Maximum temperature here today 17⁰C, minimum 10⁰C. Rain measured this morning 5 mm. 27km/h South-Westerly winds with gusts up to 62 km/h.

Small white butterfly (Pieris rapae).

Possibly a spotted fritillary (Melitaea didyma), I did not get to see the underside of its wings.

Damselfly Beautiful demoiselle (Calopteryx Virgo) female.

As above, male.

Common Clubtail Dragonfly (Gomphus vulgatissimus).

Red-and-black Froghopper (Cercopis vulnerata).

Bee on the cotoneaster.

Common green bottle fly (Lucilia sericata).

Bee on a Californian poppy.

Bumble bee, possibly (Bombus terrestris).

Red admiral butterfly (Vanessa Atlanta).

Small tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae). They are very colourful if only it had opened its wings!

Carpenter bee  (Xylocopa violacea or Xylocopa valga).

Marbled White (Melanargia galathea)...

As above...

As above

Bombylius species...

as above.

Red-brown Longhorn Beetle (Stictoleptura rubra) both males...

As above.

My thanks to Richard once again for ID of the damsels and dragon. 

My local list of wild flowers. (67 Species 12/06/2020)

See also my


  1. Beautiful insects from your garden. I love to watch the bees and butterflies going from flower to flower.

    1. Nancy I agree watching the insects is fascinating, if only I had more spare time!! Keep well Diane

  2. The colours in the fourth and fifth photos are quite beautiful. Insects are pretty incredible creatures!

    1. Marie there are some really beautiful insects around, nature is quite amazing. Have a good day, Diane

  3. Fabulous macros captures Diane. Hope you are enjoying the days of June :-) have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Penny. So far June has been pretty horrible weather wise! We had a very mild winter and now we are wondering what has happened to summer. Chilly, damp and wet! Looking forward to seeing some sun at present. Have a good Sunday, Diane

  4. Hi
    fantastic pictures, I am thrilled
    Regards Frank
    P.S. a translation program would be very helpful for me. Thank you

    1. Thanks for the visit and the comment. Translator added. Have a good day, Diane

  5. I continue to be impressed with your photographs of insects, Diane, and your knowledge of them. There are so many fascinating taxa. They capture my attention, and I do reasonably well with ID of butterflies, dragonflies and damselflies, but a lot of the other stuff remains a mystery. Interesting and absorbing to observe nevertheless. I bought a very tasty French Roquefort the other day - and it paired well with Canadian Merlot! Bonne journée.

    1. Thanks David, the last few days there has been few insects around, high winds, wet and cold compared with what June usually is and we have a very cold stone house! I have been back in track suits and a hot water bottle at night!!

      I love Roquefort, we went to the factory and watched them making it. Sadly Nigel is not keen on sheep or goats cheese, so I only buy it if I see it in small quantities just for myself. He used to dislike all blue cheese but over the years he has grown to like them but I cannot get him away from purely cow's cheese. I do not think there is a cheese I do not like and we both miss Stilton which we certainly cannot buy here. One thing we buy when we go back to the UK though we have a great selection of cheeses here so we cannot complain.

      Have a good week and stay safe, Diane

    2. I can get Stilton here and buy it frequently. Not cheap - but the best things in life rarely are!

  6. I just don't have those many critters in my yard...haha

    1. It is amazing how many you might see if you really look! Sometimes I think there is nothing, then I walk around again looking harder ans I see what i have missed. Take care Diane

  7. Once again you astound me with insects. The Marbled White looks like it should be a stained glass pattern.

    1. That marbled white is lovely and I agree it looks like a stained glass window. Stay safe and keep well Diane

  8. Hi Diane - stunning photos and thanks for the id tags ... most I'd never know. The marble white almost has a faint lady showing through - my first glance. Sadly not having a garden, nor a car, nor being able to walk that far ... for the time being I'm 'stuck' - but I see lots ... though must make a note and compare with your lists here: flora and fauna I need to be able to identify more comfortably.

    Oddly I bought a Roquefort about ten days ago ... that I enjoyed over a few days - made a change with a glass of red - probably plonk! but tasted ok. I love sheep and goats cheese ... but try not to get too much ... occasionally I succumb. We need more rain here ... Beachy Head bounces it off ... and great thunder clouds across the bay at Hastings in the last few days - here ... it's been blissful.

    Cold houses and hot water bottles remind me of South African days in the winter ... enjoy your French freedom ... life is going to get crowded again! All the best - Hilary

    1. Hilary I am surprised I can walk that far, I have always struggled to walk any distance as I get sore shins and my back is not good, but I was determined to walk the sore shins off and although it was not easy I have sorted them out, the back though has its moments.

      There really is not a cheese I dislike though some of the very strong goats cheeses can be a bit too string! I think that is what happened to Nigel, he had one too strong and it has put him off totally. Now just the smell is more than enough for him.

      The weather really is horrible at present, but we do not intend going out anymore that we have to. Until things have improved a lot re the virus we will keep to the house and I will just go on local walks, now I am not limited to the 1 km radius it is easy and I can still walk in places where I do not see a soul.

      Keep well and have a good week, Diane

  9. Oh what amazing beauties. Gorgeous captures!

    1. Thanks Shiju you comment is appreciated. Have a great day.

  10. Incroyable series of macros Diane, gosh you take brilliant shots of butterflies, they don't sit still long enough for me, either that or I'm just too darn slow 😉 Hope all is well with you both in your part of the beautiful French countryside 💜

    1. Thanks Grace, sometimes the butterflies are impossible and I am not a patient person. All well here and much easier with the relaxation of lockdown though we are still keeping very much to ourselves for the time being. Take care and have a good week. Diane

  11. I am amazed by your carefulness to catch the moment of bees and butterflies ..., they were captured with beautiful images.
    Very good job.
    Greetings from Indonesia.

    1. Thank you so much for your visit and very kind comment, it is much appreciated. Keep well and have a good day, Diane

  12. Another mouth-watering collection of insects, Diane, delightfully photographed too. There are amny of this that I'd be really excited to see, with the Beautiful Demoiselle and Common Clubtail being at the top of the list, and probably would have managed this year if travel was possible.

    With reference to the chat with David, above, you could have Stilton delivered from UK without too much bother, but at a price! Probably somewhat cheaper than a trip to UK which would include a fortnight in isolation, however!

    Take great care, and stay safe - - - Richard

    1. Not being able to get out this year has made life so different, but on the other hand we are seeing more close to home, and I am finding there are more animals around than normal. No cars or humans out to get them!

      At present I just wish it would stop raining as we are now waterlogged and the garden needs some sun. Taking daily photos is very difficult and I have been following blipfoto now for a number of years and I do not like to miss a day.

      Keep well, stay safe and enjoy the remainder of the week. Diane

  13. Your photos are spectacular, Diane! Looks like they belong on National Geographic! Love the male Damselfly and the bees are all awesome. The second Bombylius is perfect! They're all good, you're very talented! Take care

    1. Pam thank you so much for the fabulous comment, so appreciated. I have friends though who put my photography to shame though they have far more expensive cameras and they know what they are doing!! Stay safe and enjoy the rest of the week. Diane

    2. Cameras make a difference but it is the eye, the technique and the ability to see something others don't that make the pic. For instance when someone is starting out I always tell them that their pic does not have to be right in the center. Shooting with the subject or bug to one side and taking in the view from behind on the other side makes for a great pic. Using trees, tall plants or flowers, rocks etc for framing is awesome. I always had a camera starting maybe around 11 or so. I loved it then and I think that is what opened up my love for it now BUT I think my artist eye with colors and paints helped me to look at things diff when doing photography. I had the best thing said to me by a friend once, "Pam, I can stand in the same place, take the same pic but it never looks like yours"!!!

    3. I agree with most subjects not in the centre is perfect, but with insects that I really want to focus on the insect I believe they are better central. Your photography is great and your wedding photos are not only fabulous, but you always make them fun photos as well. Keep safe Diane

  14. You have so many beautiful creatures to take photos of, and I am very grateful you share them with us. Thank you Diane, and stay safe and healthy :)

    1. Denise I love sharing especially when I get kind comments like yours. Have a good week and stay well, Diane

  15. Incredible photos, it is very difficult to photograph butterflies and insects.
    Thank you for sharing these wonderful photographs that brightened my eyes.

    1. Thanks you Maria for the visit and the comment much appreciated. Have a good day Diane

  16. There is such diversity in the insect world.

    1. I agree very wide and I see new ones almost every day. Cheers Diane


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