Thursday, August 27, 2020

27/08/2020 Out and about, insects and skies.

 Maximum temperature here today 27⁰C, minimum 13⁰C.  Dry, but rain forecast.   17km/h North-Westerly winds with gusts up to 39 km/h. 

Sorry that I am not keeping up with blogs or comments, but we have had continuous slow WiFi, at times being only 0.1 (sigh).  The garden is also being very demanding, especially with two fig trees loaded with fruit and the dehydrator being on the blink.  I am spending many hours in the kitchen bottling.


Interesting clouds, do you see the teddy bear face?

Genus Calliptamusa member of Short-horned Grasshoppers Family Acrididae...

as above.

House sparrow (Passer domesticus) - I just liked this shot!

Comma butterfly (Polygonia c-album)...

As above...

See the white comma and why it is named as such.

Orchids in the house. Cymbidium.

Lesser Purple Emperor (Apatura ilia).   Think this is the female, the male (of course) is the pretty purple one!!  She is still pretty good looking though!

As above...

As above.

The setting sun after a stormy day. 16/08/2020

Florentine Woolcarder (Anthidium florentinum)...

As above.


As above.

Peacock butterfly (Aglais io)...

As above.

Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta).

Common social wasp (V. vulgaris).

Yellowlegged hornet, (Vespa velutina) - another bee killer that appears to be rapidly spreading in France!! First identified here in 2004 😡

The first rose for some time appeared especially for my birthday 19/08 ....

We met up with friends and had a 'distancing' picnic at a friends house with a very large garden, and a very pretty farm wagon.  Despite the fact that we had not seen each other since February, and we had all been in lock-down, there seemed to be a lot to talk about.  Thirty-nine years anniversary tomorrow!

My local list of wildflowers. (90 Species 23/08/2020).

See also my

Joining up with My Corner of the World


  1. Stunning photographs.
    My good wishes for thirty-nine years anniversary tomorrow.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks so much, first time ever that we have celebrated at home - COVID has a lot to answer for! Keep well Diane

  2. what beautiful an amazing pictures Diane . Especially I love these bees pictures are awesome and lovely!! Love the birds too!! ytake care

    1. Thanks Gloria, lots of insects around but as it cools down they will soon be gone. Take care and keep safe, Diane

  3. Delightful captures all! Happy 39th Anniversary with wishes for plenty more!

    1. Thanks very much, i hope by next year we will be able to celebrate out instead of at home!! Keep safe Diane

  4. Such great photographs, as always. My yard has so many trees that cloud watching is difficult. A happy teddy bear, too. My brother and I had fun as children, spending a summer afternoon laying on the lawn and looking up at the clouds passing over and changing shapes. We saw so many animals up there :) The house sparrow taking flight is interesting, but the peacock butterfly is so beautiful.

    1. We have a lot of trees on one side, but the other is fairly open, Glad you saw the bear 🐻. Keep safe Diane

  5. Very cool House sparrow flapping camera shots! ...
    I admire your shot.

    1. Thank you very much, I just particularly liked the sparrow shot though not the best photo. Stay safe, and the comment is appreciated, Diane

  6. Yes I can see the teddy bear face Diane 😊 wonderful series of macros, this time I do have a favourite, the peacock butterflies are spectacular.. I have a thing about peacocks, so beautiful 💙

    1. Loved that teddy 🐻. The Lesser Purple Emperor is my favourite of the butterflies here, I hope all is well and that you have a fab weekend, Diane

  7. A couple of very interesting and appealing sky shots, Diane, and the fields of sunflowers always make me wish I had the artistic abilities of an impressionist painter so that I could capture them on a canvass.

    1. I have tried painting sunflowers and have never been happy with the result, I will stick to animals and birds that are much easier!! Have a good weekend and stay safe, Diane

  8. Your butterflies are always a favourite. Rural areas of PEI have slow internet. It is proving harder to resolve than people have patience for at this point. Successive governments have made promises to resolve the issue but...

    1. Nigel wrote to the powers that be to complain about the WiFi and we were told there is no money available to upgrade at present!! Keep Safe and have a good Sunday. Diane

  9. Beautiful sunflower field and yes, I think I can see the teddy bear face. Great close up of the butterflies.

    1. Thanks Nancy, I love sunflowers but sadly they do not last long enough. Keep safe, Diane

  10. Marvelous photos! I really like the one of the sparrow in flight, that a great shot!

    1. Thank you Connie I reel like that phot as well even though the photography is not brilliant. Thanks for the comment, keep safe Diane

  11. Hi Diane - congratulations on your birthday and then your 39th anniversary - it must have been lovely being out with friends - just sitting in a countryside garden offers so much. Your camera is doing you justice - or you it!! Fantastic shots - I just love seeing the insects in close up - while those skies are pretty amazing ... I can see a dark gray bear having a cuddle with a polar one ... we're into stormy skies today ... but we've been desperate for the rain. Take care and enjoy all that bottling etc ... delicious thoughts! Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary, the years go by so fast I cannot keep up with them any more!! Ah yes, you are right I only saw the polar bear. Just too much bottling and so time consuming. I am hoping the dehydrator will be back Tuesday but not sure how nay figs will be left by then. So much easier than bottling and great to snack on. Take care and stay safe, Diane

  12. Congratulations on your 39th, Diane and Nigel! And a very belated Happy Birthday, Diane!

    Wonderful photography, Diane - you have a very artistic eye! A great selection of subject matter too, with many species that I would love to see - particularly the Lesser Purple Emperor, with that Florentine Woolcarder not far behind. Your sunset shot after a stormy day is fabulous!

    I hope that your electrician managed to fix the dehydrator and that those difficult spare parts were not required.

    Best wishes - - - - Richard

    1. Hi Richard, thanks for the congratulations, where do the years all go to??

      That is the only the second time I have seen a Lesser Purple Emperor, they are very beautiful, and that Woolcarder is also a pretty bee.

      We spoke to the Electrician on Friday evening and he says he has it working, He was going away for the weekend though and said we could only collect it on Tuesday!! Meanwhile I am bottling between 2.5 and 3 kg of figs every day!! Hope they will still be going by Tuesday. The starlings are also having their share!!

      Very best wishes to you both and keep safe, Diane

  13. That angry sky is dynamic! The frames work very well with your selections. The macros of butterflies and bugs are beautiful.

    1. Thanks very much for the kind comment. I enjoy doing those frames and most people like them, there always has to be one though!!
      Keep well and stay safe Diane

  14. Incredible photography!

    Happy 39th Anniversary, Diane!

    1. Thanks very much for the visit, the kind comment and the congrats, appreciated. Have a good Sunday Diane

  15. That field of sunflowers! Wow.

    1. I do love Sunflowers I just wish they were around for longer. Keep safe Amelia and enjoy your Sunday. Diane

  16. Stunning and beautiful pictures..
    Love House sparrow and butterfly, both are amazing.
    Great shot..

    1. Thanks for the comment and the visit. Have a great weekend Diane

  17. Happy 39th Anniversary, Diane!
    i like the butterfly

    1. Thanks very much, your comment is appreciated. Keep safe Diane

  18. Wow, these are some gorgeous summer photos! Happy anniversary!

    It's great to see you at 'My Corner of the World' this week!! Thanks for being here.

    1. Thanks Betty, it is a pleasure to join you. Have a good weekend. Diane

  19. Your visuals sooth the soul Diane, another gorgeous series of photos. Not to worry if you can't get to my blog as often. I think we all understand. Keep well and I wish you an excellent week.

    1. It is going to be a while before I get back to normal, but I am working on it 😊 Have a good week Diane

  20. Great shots! I especially love the cloud shots--I could see the teddy bear face too.

    1. Thanks Pam, glad you could see the bear. Have a good week Diane

  21. I figured you be busy with the harvest and have also not been good at keeping up. I love the sunflowers and the crepuscular ray. Always blown away by your flowers and insect photos.

    1. Thanks Gaelyn. It has been extra busy with the dehydrator going in for repair!! Enjoy your week Diane

  22. Wow that field of sunflowers is really striking.

    1. I do love sunflowers. Hope all is well, stay safe, cheers Diane


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