Thursday, July 7, 2022

07/07/20222 Still trying to catch up!!!!!!

  The maximum temperature here today is 27⁰C, minimum 15⁰C.   Blue skies with few clouds   Northerly winds of 17km/h with gusts up to 38 km/h.  The remainder of the week is forecast with temperatures in the 30s with no clouds !  Summer is here.

Another month has passed and I am getting further and further behind.  We did though have a delightful visitor for a few days in Nigel's nephew from Australia.  Now the garden is demanding water and weeding, and I am trying to get out and walk in the cooler part of the day.  Time just vanishes.

I am combining the bird blog with my diary as it is easier than keeping two blogs going at the present time.

Bug from the Miridae family - I think.

Bumble bee in the sage.

Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius), very shy but we have been seeing this visitor for the past couple of months...

As above.

Small tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae)...

As above...

As above with a hoverfly

A sunset that I took a liking to!

Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius).

Ladybird, sadly I think this is an Asian (Harmonia axyridis).

European Common Frog (Rana temporaria). It was suggested that this is a Water Frog but as they are green I could not go along with that ID! Maybe I am wrong.

A young European robin (Erithacus rubecula).  The red breast only appears between 3 and 6 months.

Herewith, the end of the best photos in May and moving into June!
Eurasian hoopoe (Upupa epops).

Clematis in the garden.

Californian Poppy with Marmalade Hoverflies (Episyrphus balteatus).

Bee fly (Bombylius_fulvescens) - I think.

Green Shield Bug (Palomena prasina).

A family affair - Eurasian jays (Garrulus glandarius).

Seen out walking - Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria).
Bee fly (Bombylius_cruciatus) female. She has more white than the male.

Thirsty Western Honey Bees (Apis mellifera).

Crab Spider -(Misumena vatia) Golden Rod Spider on the lavender.

Yay third prize 😊

Results of the Best Photo of the Month June 2022

July 1, 2022 Competitions, Focusing on Wildlife 

My local list of wildflowers. (91 Species 02/12/2021).

See also my


  1. Welcome back. I’ve missed you. You take the best insect and spider photos! The birds are great too. The Jay with the flash of blue is a favourite. The hoopoe is quite a showy beauty. Love it.

    1. Thanks Marie, I am sorry that blogs are going very slowly, photos are being taken, but going through them is taking so long and time seems to be getting shorter despite the fact we have longer daylight hours at present. I am also missing everyone's blogs as I just have not got the time to look at them all. I keep thinking next month will be better, but so far it has not really worked that way. If only the powers that be would sort out our Wi-Fi speeds it might just make things very much easier.
      Thanks so much for following and keeping in touch is appreciated. Cheers Diane

  2. It's great to see you back again, Diane - I've really missed you!

    As always, you have come up with a wonderful set of photos of the extensive variety of wildlife that visits your garden. It's a garden that I would love to visit sometime, but I have long had the realisation that I'm problably never going to leave the UK again!

    I'm envious of your Jays, but particularly envious of that Hoopoe.

    I find myself in the same boat as you with regard to photo processing. A recent period of forced physical relaxation means that I have been able to catch up a little, however, and I'm now only a couple of weeks behind.

    Take good care and stay safe - - - Richard

    1. Thanks for missing me Richard, I am missing blogging as well, but there just seems so much to be done at the moment and maybe I am getting too old to work as fast as I used to !!

      If you ever decide to leave the UK again let me know and we will make a plan :-)

      The hoopoes obviously are nesting close by every year, I have never yet discovered quite where, the same story with the Little Owl. There are only about 10 properties in our hamlet, but more than twice as many barns, some falling down, so the nests could be anywhere and on private property. If we get good rainfalls in summer the hoopoes almost always visit us, our lawn obviously has lots of bugs in it, and worms of course.

      Hope that you are both well again, take care, Cheer Diane

  3. Hi Diane: Life does not slow down even for bloggers! Your pictures are exquisite as always. Do what you can and visit us whenever you have the time. The images of the Jay remind me of my last visit to France when we saw them almost daily, surprising since they are usually exceedingly shy. Hoopoe was not uncommon either and Noushka and Patrick showed us a pair feeding young in a hole in the wall of an old farm building. Memories are made of this! Best wishes from Ontario - David

    1. You are right life does not slow down, in fact, it feels like it is speeding up, guess age has something to do with that!

      These Jays are very shy and I can only get photos from inside through the window, and I dare not even get close to the window or they are gone. I have never discovered where the hoopoes nest each year but it is not very far away as we hear them calling all the time. Yes I am sure great memories.

      Take care and keep well, Cheers Diane

  4. Hi Diane - so pleased Nigel's nephew was able to spend time with you ... while it's lovely to take a bit of time off with family and friends. I love the photos of your garden and the birds, bees, and bugs - while the photos of the Eurasian Jay are beautiful ... lovely photos you share with us.

    Don't worry re visiting - we understand ... and your garden is just wonderful - cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary, It was so good to see Sam. The last time I saw him was in 2008 here in France and the last time Nigel saw him was in 2005 in Australia so he has grown up quite a bit since then.

      I keep hoping that I will have time to catch up and visit everyone else, but I am happy that you are still following me and hopefully soon I really will manage to catch up.

      Keep safe and take care. Cheers Diane

  5. Good to have you back blogging. Miss your beautiful photos. Even the bugs and insects look gorgeous in your photos. I have never seen a crab spider. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks so much Nancy, I am not really back but I am trying and I hope to be back sooner rather than later. I hope you had a good weekend and thanks so much for still following me. Take care Diane

  6. Sure glad you take the camera into the garden. Although your Jay is so different from ours, it still looks like a Jay.

    1. The Jay is extremely nervous and all photos of it are taken through the window, even then if I move too quickly it is gone. The Hoopoe I managed to get outside to take the photos but it was quite far.
      Keep well and enjoy life, Hugs Diane

  7. Congrats on third place for the photo. Your close up photos are amazing. love the Jays blue wing bits. Don't worry about keeping up just do it when you can. I've slowed down with blogging too. Only post and read every now and then.

    1. Thanks Diane, time seems to be going by faster and faster and I just do not have the time to sort out photos to blog. As long as we can keep in touch when we can it is good.

      Take care and keep safe. I will be back when I can. Cheers t'other Diane

  8. Absolutely exquisite imagery!! ALL prize winners in my opinion.
    Thank you for choosing to participate at I'd Rather B Birdin' this weekend!!

    1. Thanks so much Anni and I am delighted that you visited me. Have a fab week, Diane

  9. Hello Diane. I think that one blog is enough for me to keep on track, never mind two. Your bug/insect pictures are brilliant, especially the shield bug and of course the crab spider. Congrats on that one. Well deserved. It's warming up here too - about time. I think its about 21 today, pretty hot and also humid for the Lancashire coast.

    1. Hi Phil and thanks for visiting me here and for the kind words. Today has been up to 39C. Thank goodness for a stone house that always stays cool, though I have to say I can cope much better with too hot than I can with too cold.
      Keep well, cheers Diane

  10. As always, BEAUIFUL pics. I love them all. Neat to see diff critters from other areas cause its fun to see the difference in them from ours. We don't have Eurasian jays or Eurasian hoopoe. Those are so neat looking. You can keep that spider! lol....we have enough over here. Glad to see you up and blogging again.

    1. Thanks Pam, not really keeping up with blogging but if I can do the odd one that has to be a good one. The garden is very demanding at present and we have had a lot of other things going on as well.
      Keep well and enjoy life 😊 Cheers Diane

  11. Prachtig. Ik heb genoten van je foto's.

    1. Thanks for the comment. I hope all is well with you and the family. Best wishes to you all, Diane

  12. Wow, that bumble bee shot with its head in the flower is such a beauty.

    1. Thank you so much, your comments are very much appreciated. I hope all is well in your part of the world. Keep safe, cheers Diane


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