Tuesday, April 18, 2023

18/04/2023 Back home and around and about.

 The maximum temperature here today is 17⁰C, minimum 6⁰C.  Chilly North winds of 18km/h with gusts up to 40 km/h.

Lots more photos from Africa will get here eventually!

Two days before the full moon but it was perfectly placed!

Quite a lot of colour around despite the weeds and the long grass!!

Spiraea prunifolia.

We have several new neighbours.

Rapeseed oil.

Common Wall Lizard (Podarcis Muralis).

Bee possibly a Common Digger Bee!

Cleopatra butterfly- (Gonepteryx cleopatra).

Hoverfly (Syrphus ribesii) maybe.

House Sparrow (Passer domesticus).

Cherry and apple blossom
Peony and Bluebells

Greenfinch (Chloris chloris).  Greedy fellow!

Peony and bee,

Blossom in the garden.

As above...

Yay, I have managed to cut the lawn, it was a foot high in places!

As above and the veggie garden is still partly covered with weed-proof cover.

Bee.... Western honey bee or European honey bee (Apis mellifera).

Not the same one as above!  Sorry, I do not have the time to search for IDs.

My local list of wildflowers. (91 Species 02/12/2021).

See also my Bird blog

Joining up with My Corner of the World.


  1. You took some really amazing pictures!! The full moon shot is perfect. I look forward to see more of your garden updates :-)

    1. Thanks Angie, I was pretty chuffed with that moon shot I so often struggle with the moon! Keep wll and have a good week Diane

  2. Love the new look, Diane. The photos are spectacular as usual!

    1. Thanks Marie, I am glad we have a big enough garden that I can take photos without having to go too far!!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks very much Sandi. Take care a keep well Diane

  4. I always love all your pics. Esp the first one. That is a cool shot.

    1. Thanks Pam, good to hear from you, I hope all is well. Take care, Diane

  5. Beautiful photography, Diane, but I am especially impressed by those last two shots of those bees in flight.

    It's been sunny, but with a cool wind here too today.

    Best wishes to you and Nigel - - - Richard

    1. Thanks Richard sometimes I just get lucky 😊. The wind from the North is alway cold, time it changed direction!

      Very best wished to you and Lindsay, take care, Cheers Diane

  6. Looks like Spring with all these amazingly captured shots of new life. Your temps are similar to mine.

    1. Hi Gaelyn, It might look like it but it does not really feel like it. The wind has been from the North (direct from Russia) and it is very chilly. Hugs Diane

  7. You really do have a dab hand with the camera, Diane, and as Richard says above those pictures of the bees in flight are exceptional. I expect that you are getting back into your normal groove now that you are back at home In France, and I am sure you will soon be lunching with the mayor again, hob-nobbing with the aristocracy as you are prone to do. The only scenes we see of France these days have to do with anarchists and malcontents trying to burn down cities, and if a few private vehicles get in the way, that's okay. After all, those poor people may have to work another couple of years before getting a pension. Oh my! Injustice writ large. Enjoy your day today, and every day for that matter. Gros bisous de ton ami, David.

    1. Thanks for the kind comment David, as I said to Richard, sometime I just get lucky! We have the lowest retirement age in Europe, but of course they have to complain and at times it gets pretty vicious. Thankfully we live in the country and we only see what goes on on the TV as you do. Occasionally there is a bit of mischief in closer villages but it is rare.

      It is going to take me a while to get through the many holiday photos especially as I am trying to keep up locally again here as well! Bisous, Diane

  8. Very nice photos! The first one is really extraordinary. I wish you a delightful spring in your beautiful garden. Greetings from Istanbul/Turkey!

    1. Thanks you very much for your kind comment and visit. Happy spring to you as well. Cheers Diane

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you for your visit and comment, much appreciated. Wishing you all the best Diane

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks you for the visit and the kind comment, much appreciated. Cheers Diane

  11. I need to hang out in nature for a bit with my camera, I never seen all the critters you do....lol.....I looked up your 17C and equals out to 62.6 degrees. Right now, it is 39 degrees at 6am here in Nashville TN. I normally tell Lily that she can't go on the deck till it is 50 degrees at least, cause I keep the door cracked so she can come and go. I however gave in this morning cause like yesterday, I will be gone all day and I wanted her to have some time out there. She is not hanging out there long, she comes in and then goes back out. One more time, coming in and taking a lay down break will get the door to the deck closed again!! I am not sitting here blogging with the heat running, back door open and Lily hanging in the house! My mom would say, "Stop heating outdoors"/

    1. You just have to walk around the garden and watch for any movement and look in odd places, you will find lots of nature. Love to Lilybit. Cheers Diane

  12. The moon photo is stunning Diane, and I thoroughly ejoyed all your other photos. All beauitiful!

    1. Thanks Denise I was quite pleased with that moon shot, I generally find them very difficult!! Hope all is well Diane

  13. But you have time to take fabulous up close photos.

    1. Some of them are rushed but trying to go through SA photos is taking a lot of time and the garden comes first. Keep well t'other Diane

  14. Coucou chère Diane.
    Tes compositions florales sont merveilleuses, toutes ces fleurs sont mon bonheur et ma joie de vivre !
    Il va me falloir tondre devant la maison aussi mais aujourd'hui nous avons été très occupés avec les abeilles. Nous avons positionné les hausses pour le miel et il y avait en même temps 5 essaimages. C'était très fatiguant.
    Les photos d'Afrique me tardent !

    1. Salut Natalie, Désolé tant de travail dans le jardin. Si nous avons quelques jours de pluie, j'aurai peut-être le temps de regarder d'autres photos sud-africaines. Bisous Diane

  15. Diane, you are such an expert on flowers and many other things. Love the photos. You had a lot of grass to mow, good for you girl. :)

    1. Thanks Sally, the grass is growing faster than I can keep up with it at present!! Hope all is well, take care Diane

  16. Hi Diane - what gorgeous photos ... and how lovely to come back to lushness - despite the work entailed in getting it back to 'home' again! Your garden is gorgeous ... and I love seeing all your loved plants, and then the veggies will have come to fruition soon ... it's a pleasure - being here. Enjoy being home - cheers Hilary

    1. I am happy to be back home, such a lot to catch up on but i am getting there slowly. Eventually I will get back to the SA photos as well, there are some interesting shots. Hope all is OK in you part of the world, cheers Diane


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