Monday, July 15, 2024

15/07/2024 Trying to catch up with the second blog this month......

 The maximum temperature in the Charente today is 24⁰C, minimum 16⁰C.  Drizzle this morning but not enough for the garden.  South/West wind of 25km/h with gusts up to 55km/h.

Photos from the beginning of June - so many more still to catch up with,

Bee-Beetle (Trichius fasciatus)...

As above

Love in the Mist (Nigella).

Buff-tailed Bumble Bee (Bombus terrestris).

I think it is a Ichneumonidae but which one,  maybe Pseudoamblyteles homocerus.

Meadow Brown (Maniola jurtina)...

As above.

A cricket nymph chomping away at the flowers pretending it is not guilty.

Hover Fly (Eristalis tenax or Eristalis similis) I am not sure.

Hover Fly (Genus Myathropa)

Marmalade Hoverfly (Episyrphus balteatus).

Small False Greenbottle (Neomyia cornicina).

Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha fulva) with Varied Carpet Beetles (Anthrenus verbasci).

Christmas cactus flowering in June! 


Wildflower - Pink Sorrel (Oxalis articulata).

A wide-angle shot of the garden proving that there really is still a sun up there!!

Eurasian Jay (Garrulus glandarius).

Caterpillar of the Hummingbird hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) .

Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-Moth (Hemaris fuciformis)...

As above...

As above...

As above...

As above,  I am making up for lost time as I do not often see the Bee Hawk-moth!

Have a good week everyone I will be back with the rest of June sometime this year!!

Any ideas or changes in ID please let me know.


  1. The bee hawk moth is a beauty. The meadow brown is a beauty too. The blossoms are so attractive to the insects. Can’t blame them!

    1. Thanks Marie I love the Bee Hawkmoth as well not a regular visitor so I was happy to have spotted it, Cheers Diane

  2. Great set of pictures - I remember showing a hawk-moth to my kids (of all places) Switzerland! No (or very few) insects for me as it's mid-winter!
    Stewart M - Auckland, NZ

    1. Hi Stewart, we have masses of Hawkmoths around here but the Bee Hawkmoth is quite a rarity. I love the summer months as it is fairly easy to spot insect photos. Cheers Diane

  3. An impressive gallery of insects, Diane. This is a selection to cause my salivary glands to spring into action, and I am especially enamoured by the Bee-Beetle at the start of your post. I was not familiar with this insect, let alone have seen one, but it is stunning. You really do have a great eye and the macro skills to bring us fabulous views of these glorious creatures. I would imagine that your insect reference library is quite substantial. Hope that Nigel is doing well. Bonne journée, bon mardi et gros bisous - David

    1. The Bee Beetle is one of my favourites despite the fact that it eats my flowers. I think it looks like a cuddley little teddy bear 😊 Very best wishes to you both, bisous mon ami Diane

  4. I always love your macro shots! These are some stunning photos, Diane.

    1. Thanks Angie for your kind comment, they are always appreciated. Keep well Diane

  5. Preciosas fotografías, me encantan las flores y los insectos. Besos.

    1. Gracias Teresa por la visita y el amable comentario. Espero que estés bien Diane.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Pam, summer is good for tracking down insects 😉Hope all is well over there. Diane

  7. The news is always telling us it will rain, but then it doesn't or it crosses over in a different area. I've enjoyed your photos very much, especially the bee-hawk moth.

    1. We have had a huge amount of rain this year but the forecast is not very accurate!! Thanks for the comment Yvonne, Diane

  8. Hi Diane - those are amazing shots - absolutely delightful to see ... clear as a bell!! We're in high heat for maximum 48 hours ... still at least not grey days - may be rain next week ... though we quite often miss it here. Your garden looks a wonder ... congratulations will all you do ... cheers Hilary

    1. Thanks as always Hilary for your kind comments. Insects are usually a pleasure to take photos of though some are very quick!! The garden is hard work but it pays off. I miss my Zimbabwean gardener!! Cheers Diane

  9. You have a beautiful garden Diane. No wonder you have so many insects with such a diverse array of flowers and trees. I really like that Bee Beetle and the little green nymph that looks like it spells "trouble".

    1. The garden is hard work but the results are worth it most of the time 😊 We have a lot of those nymphs and they chomp away but within reason. The Bee Beetle is my favourite insect, that also chomps away at the flowers but the numbers are limited. Keep well Diane

  10. Such beautiful photos. Great work. I have a new blog post. I invite you to read it.

    1. Thanks Melody for the comment always appreciated. Keep well Diane

  11. Wow so many different interesting bugs. Fabulous Photography as usual.

    1. Thanks Diane, summer is always so much easier to find interesting things to take photos of. The insect life here is pretty healthy! Take care t'other Diane

  12. Outstanding photos Diane, so much to see and I love all the detail. Thank you and wishing you a splendid week!

    1. Thanks Denise, sorry I am so far behind with blogging. Cheers Diane

  13. Stunning photos. Love all the photos with IDs as I learned some new ones.

    1. Thanks Kelly and glad the ID's are worth looking up Cheers Diane

  14. Hi Diane. I can see that I am going to start looking harder for these bugs and beetles that you photograph so beautifully. It's warm again here but not up to your levels yet.

    1. Ha ha Phil I am sure most of the bugs we get here you will see there, a few exceptions though. Keep looking, cheers Diane

  15. Replies
    1. Thanks very much I hope all is well there, Diane

  16. Always impressed with your photography skills Diane :) I love to see the sharp detail on critters and flowers. Your garden looks lovely! Cheers!

    1. Thanks Denise, sorry I am not keeping up very well. Keep well Diane.

  17. Lovely shots as usual. Funny how we all seem to get behind in posting the older we get.

    1. You are right but we are busier than we have ever been having bought the property next door! Cheers t'other Diane


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