Monday, January 20, 2025

20/01/2025 The end of December 2024 and some of January 2025....

  The maximum temperature in the Charente today is 10⁰C, minimum 2⁰C. Rain is forecast for the next few days. A 14km/h southeast wind with gusts up to 25km/h.

A December rose hanging in there...

The following bird photos were all taken at a distance through the window.
Chaffinch male (Fringilla coelebs) Pinson des arbres.

Eurasian blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) Mésange bleue.

Great tit (Parus major) Mésange charbonnière.

European robin (Erithacus rubecula) Rouge-gorge.

House Sparrows female and male (Passer domesticus )Moineau domestique.

and now moving into 2025 herewith are a few photos from January.
Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera truncate) Cactus de Noël.

Eurasian Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) Épervier d'Europe...

As above...

As above.

Eurasian blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) Mésange bleue.

              Viburnum tinus - Cotoneaster
A new shoot of the Photinia × fraser - Bergenia cordifolia      
Common Blackbird male (Turdus merula) Merle noir...

As above.

I looked this mural up and this is what I found 
Mokä, PerroGraff, Face cachée
Pedro le Coati  hidden face, street art Angouleme
Artist - Perro Graff
Pedro the Coati is a humorous Franco-Belgian comic strip series created in 1998 by Manu Larcenet (script) and Gaudelette (drawing) in 3126 of the Spirou newspaper . It features a group of animals in their life at the zoo, including the coati named Pedro.
I ♥ Croix Rouge is visible written on his body and the mural is on the wall of a building where the Red Cross work from.  Further info can be found on the links if you are interested.


  1. So many wonderful birds...we have lots of European robins here and I think they sing beautifully. The mural is excellent.

    1. Thanks Angie, the mural was interesting, sadly the cars were parked in front of it. Best wishes Diane

  2. The Christmas cactus blooms are gorgeous. Love the birds, especially the sparrowhawk. A beauty! Outdoors without snow is looking pretty good about this time of year!

    1. We seldom get snow here Marie but it does happen at times, February is usually our coldest month. I was lucky to get the photos of the Sparrowhawk, my only chance of photos here are through the window where the cherry tree is closest to the house, not always easy. Keep warm, Diane

  3. Beautiful bird photos! That sparrowhawk is amazing.

    1. Thanks so much, the sparrowhawk was a lucky addition when it landed on the house side of the cherry tree and quite visible from the window. Keep well, Diane

  4. What fabulous picture of the Sparrowhawk, Diane. I am sure you were thrilled to see it. When it comes to birds of prey I am always of mixed emotion when I see them in action. I marvel at their stealth and skill in capturing prey, but I also root for their victim. There is no question, however, that top predators are essential components in a healthy ecosystem. You know that, of course, from having spent so much of your life in Africa, where those dramas are played out daily. Take good care. I hope that all is going well with Nigel. Bonne journée et bisous de ton ami David.

    1. Merci beaucoup David, Nigel spotted the sparrowhawk from the window and it hung around long enough for me to get the camera. This time it left without breakfast, but there are signs of a couple of doves having been demolished over the last month. We have too many doves so as long as it leaves my little birds alone it is welcome to visit 😉
      Nigel's back is not good but he can only get the MRI 21 February, the surgeon will only see him after that date so that is booked for 25 Feb. We will then know what happens next! Bisous mon ami, Diane

  5. There are so many wonderful photo subjects in your garden! I love the Blue Tit and all the flowers. I hope that Nigel is feeling better and recovering as each day goes by. I'm always interested in the temperatures elsewhere. I see we're considerably cooler here than you are. I think we got to 4 or 5 Celsius during the day and it's about 1 Celsius now (late at night). Have a great west of the week.

    1. Thanks Penny and I also love the Blue Tits they come and tap on the window when their food is getting low. Nigel is still waiting for the MRI (21 Feb) they are very busy!! He then sees the surgeon meanwhile he is taking life very quietly!! Yes it is much warmer here but then we are further South. Take care Diane

  6. Great shots. Those sparrowhawks are so pretty.

    1. Thanks Pam the Sparrow hawks are pretty but they have a very evil eye!! Keep well, Diane

  7. Has hecho unas fotografías preciosas. Besos.

    1. Gracias por la visita y se agradece el comentario Saludos Diane

  8. Morning.....I have found it strange that living with woods at the back of the house, I don't have a lot of birds around. Not a lot of squirrels either. I started feeding the birds like I always have when I moved here but not feeling well over the summer I ran out of seeds and never picked up anymore. The lady next door does feed them though. I need to get my act together and start again. Always love your bird pics.

    1. In winter the birds all seem to move to us as I suspect we are the only ones in the hamlet to feed them. We occasionally get a red squirrel pop in but not that often. I hope you are now feeling better, take care Diane

  9. Another delightful series Diane. Beautiful flowers and wildlife. The mural is very interesting. Thank you for sharing its history.

    1. There are some interesting murals around Angouleme, we rarely go in to the town so I am sure there are many that I have not seen. Thanks for the visit and comment, always appreciated, Diane

  10. As usual great photos of sweet little birds. I like the blue one best. The mural sure is interesting to work out the message. Glad to see you back in blogland.

    1. Diane it is difficult to keep up with blogging. So much to do here, and now N has hurt his back there is little he can do. Hopefully, when he gets to the surgeon next month, 25 Feb, we will get more answers, meanwhile our RSA holiday is cancelled :-((( Take care, cheers t'other Diane

  11. It sounds like a crisp but peaceful day in the Charente, with a bit of rain on the horizon. It’s lovely that despite the weather, nature is still offering up some beauty. The photos of the birds must have been a joy to capture, even from a distance. Each one of those species, from the vibrant blue tit to the charming robin, brings such personality and life to the landscape. The Christmas cactus and the sparrowhawk shots must have added a lovely touch to the start of the new year. It’s wonderful to see how nature keeps going, no matter the season.

    1. Thank you so much for the lovely comment and you are so right nature never gives up despite maybe dropping a few leaves etc over winter. It seems to survive the terrible land fires as well when new growth arrives in spring. Have a fabulous February, cheers Diane

  12. I'm sure that you were more excited to see the sparrowhawk than the smaller birds were! A great selection of garden birds. Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    1. Thank you Stewart, it was great to see the Sparrowhawk and you would be right about the smaller birds. The very small birds are generally far too quick and disappear into the thick shrubs we have around. The doves are not so fast and are a bigger meal. They are multiplying too fast so the sparrowhawk is welcome :-) Keep well Diane

  13. It is always very nice to see birds from other parts of the world that are different to ours. I know of them from photos like yours and I do remember seeing the European Robin the last time I visited England. Lovely flowers also! That mural is very interesting, quite a talented artist. Thank you for its information. Happy February Diane!

  14. Hi Diane - love all the photos with the notations ... always helpful and informative. The Sparrowhawk is exemplary ... so pleased it stuck around for you. I'll be thinking of you both on Friday and then on Monday - I hope all goes well and there's an 'easy' suggestion outcome ... cheers for now - Hilary


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