Tuesday, August 2, 2016

02/08/2016 Nigel goes for a cycle ride with the camera.

Maximum temperature 27C, minimum 11C, 18 km/h NW wind. Dry.

Firstly thanks for all the comments yesterday.  I am answering here as many had the same question.  Why do I hate wind turbines?  Anything or person that kills wild life to me is a pest and a murderer.  Sadly turbines do not often kill, but maim birds and bats that die a sad and slow death underneath them.  If you have not read some of the stories then take a look at this one HERE.
Right back to normal!  Rant over.

as above...

as above.

Wild flowers.

Eglise Saint-Didier  - Marillac-le Franc...

As above...

As above.

Farming scene.... Maize and Haybales.

as above
Down the shady lane. 

And back home, possibly robber flies,  I guess there are going to be a lot more very soon!


  1. Those cattle seem to portray the essence of a peaceful, bucolic scene. And we don't even see wind turbines in the background,

  2. Thank you for sharing about the negative side of turbines. I love fields of maize and haybales.

    1. There always is a negative and a plus!!! Diane

  3. The wind turbines wouldn't be so bad if there were only one or two but we greedy people seem to think more is better.

    1. N is not even convinced that they are effective!!!


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