Monday, August 28, 2017

28/08/2017 Happy Anniversary and a beautiful caterpillar!

Maximum temperature 35C, minimum 19C.  4 km/h N wind with 8km/h gusts.  Dry.
It is going to get hotter tomorrow so it seems! 
28 August 1981 we were married in Randburg, Johannesburg, South Africa.
The hair situation has changed a bit since then!

Tonight's celebration - cheers.

Discovered this gorgeous caterpillar on the beans today....

It is a Common Swallowtail (Papilio machaon)

Just so pretty and I moved it around a bit for photos ...

but hopefully all is well and it will carry on its life cycle.

Meadow Brown (Maniola jurtina)


and also on the garlic chives.

Sweet potato flower.

French (green) bean salad - very yummy .

Pasta sauce.


  1. Happy Anniversary Diane, you make a lovely couple, such a sweet photo. And then there are your other nature photos which I enjoy also, along with the green salad and pasta sauce photos.

    1. Thanks Denise, your comments are always welcome. I am hooked on green bean salad :-)) Take care Diane

  2. The Common Swallowtail caterpillar is almost as gorgeous as the young bride! Who could have predicted the ascendancy of Nelson Mandela when you were married in apartheid South Africa way back in 1981?

    1. David so many things have changed in RSA. Mandela did so much for the country, but as you say when we got married who would have predicted it. Sadly since then, the country has slid backwards and Zuma has undone all the good that Mandela did!! Have a good day Diane

  3. Happy anniversary, Diane. I wish you all the best, my dear friend. You and your husband look so pretty. I also love the photos of the beautiful caterpillar. Great photos for the wasp and the potato flower, too. And the bean salad looks delicious! Kisses, my friend.

    1. Many thanks Mia, I was so delighted to see that caterpillar, it is beautiful and also there was little to take photos of yesterday!! Have a good day Diane

  4. Happy Anniversary, dear friend! I absolutely love your wedding photo, you both look radiant! All your other photos are beautiful, and I absolutely love the colours and patterns on that amazing caterpillar!

    1. Gorgeous caterpillar, so pretty, and thanks for the kind words. Hope all is going well for you, take care Diane

  5. Well happy anniversary to you and Nigel, may you celebrate many more :)))))
    Patrick and I also got married in 81, a couple of years before settling in Parktown North and shortly after in Dunkeld!!
    Gee, how time flies and how things change....
    Lovely pictures of your garden creatures, the wasps are very useful and eat many insects such as flies.
    Sadly, the warm weather is ending!
    Keep well Diane, warm or cool hugs... you choose ;-)

    1. Yes Noushka, so many things do change and sadly for you not in a way you would have predicted.
      Our wasps are not eating enough flies!!! The sheep around us bring them ever closer and they drive us mad when they get into the house!
      Yes Autumn is getting closer, and then I complain about the cold until next spring arrives. We really need a house in the Southern hemisphere to move to so I can have permanent summer!!!
      Take care and have a good week, hugs Diane

  6. Happy Anniversary! I love the photo of you both; so sweet. :)

    Love also your photos, like I always do. You're a master photographer, Diane.


    1. Thanks Sally. How I wish I was a master photographer, so much to learn about cameras and nothing stays put in this head of mine any more. I have a clever camera :-) Take care Diane

  7. Lovely pic of you both. Wishing you both a happy anniversary celebration xx

    1. Thanks Gaynor. We are actually celebrating tomorrow as we have to go to Angouleme for a meeting so we will have lunch while there. Hope all is well Diane xx

  8. What a beautiful wedding pic. Happy Anniversary! Love the caterpillar. He sure is pretty. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks so much Pam. That caterpillar is stunning I hope we get lots of Swallowtail butterflies next year :-) Keep well Diane

  9. Congrats on the anniversary! What a handsome couple!! I don't remember my sweet potato blooms being purple! What a lovely shade!!


  10. A belated Happy Anniversary. You were very attractive newly weds. xx


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