Monday, September 4, 2017

04/09/2017 Yesterday's photos today. WiFi is on the blink so things are not working too well!!

Maximum temperature 20C, minimum 14C.  21 km/h NW chilly wind with 49 km/h gusts.  A light shower last night that did not register in the rain gauge.
One of the blues but not sure which one...

I think this is a Common Blue male ...

and this one looks slightly different again!!!!

Californian Poppy.

Le gendarme or fire bug  (Pyrrhocoris apterus).  They always remind me of African masks.

Grass hopper, well camouflaged.

We have a nest of Hornets (Vespa crabro) – Frelon or Guêpe frelon in our roof....

I try to keep away from them though they do not normally sting unless annoyed!!  Sadly they also kill bees though!


  1. That hornet looks like a fearsome creature. I certainly wouldn't want to get stung by one.

    1. I react to any insect sting so I do not need to annoy the hornets! Take care Diane

  2. Beautiful set of photos and very well capture. Nice of you to share. Greetings!

    1. Thanks Blogoratti, I enjoy sharing :-) Have a good day Diane

  3. Ohhhh hornets kill bees! Didn't know that.

    Are they where their nest could be easily gotten too, after dark? After dark, naturally, is when my husband goes after nasty things. Well, things which are trying to live, somehow, "in" our home or its outer covering. We really prefer to have us live in here, and they live out there.

    Sorry for the wi-fi issues again!!!!!!!!! Such a recurring source of angst!!!!!!! -sigh-sigh-sigh- Bad enough,losing access. But worse, the damage it does, to your peace of mind, and emotions... By being aggravated!!!!!!!!

    1. The hornets are well into our roof and not at all easily accessible. They could be well back as there is quite a lot of space filled with insulation and it is impossible to move the tiles as there are boards under the tiles!
      WiFi is back though frustratingly slow!!! Take care Diane

  4. Diane, sorry to hear about your Wifi issues. Your photos are gorgeous! Yes, please be careful around the hornets, they tend to get very aggressive at times.

    1. We are back on the air again Linda but oh so slow, it drives me mad. Take care Diane

  5. I found it!! I really don't know how I missed it Diane. Gosh what a huge renovation it was but you found yourself a wonderful spot here, I'm as green as your shutters with envy ☺ Your renovation would have made a brilliant episode of 'Restoration Man', have you seen it? How long do you spend there each year? Oh and yes brilliant macros here today, you have an incroyably steady hand!

    1. No never seen restoration mad. We probably do not get it here but I seldom ever watch TV anyway. Too much to do! We are permanent residents. Cheers Diane

  6. Beautiful as always, Diane!

    (the grasshopper? they love to eat my roses) :(

    Hope your wifi is back to working soon.

    1. Thanks Sally. Back working but very slow and frustrating. We do not see a lot of grasshoppers but when they are this well camouflaged it is not surprising! Take care Diane

  7. WOW....great pics. What are you shooting with? I had to look up your 20C's in temps to what it would be here, and it would be 68 degrees. GREAT temps at 68! If I lived somewhere that would go from about 60 to 75 with no humidity I would be one happy camper! Sorry....probably did not explain the boy's pic too well, those are just 3 of them and there was one missing from the pic that day. Those are 3 of Will's boys. Forgive me because I have a hard time remembering which is which. I plan on getting some good pics of all his boys, all my boys and all them together and I will then place names with who is who! HAHA

    1. If you look up the top of my blog you will see 'Cameras that I use' I change around a fair bit. Thanks for the explanation. Take care Diane

  8. I love your beautiful photos once again, Diane. Pretty butterflies and poppy, great lady bugs and vespas. I did not know that they kill bees. It is too said, I love bees! Have a great week, my friend.

    1. Thanks Mia for the kind comment. Hornets are a nuisance, I would much prefer to have the bees around they do so much good. Take care Diane

  9. I'm always impressed by the wildlife you get in your garden, Diane. For the past couple of years I've been seeing a lot of hornets but they never seem to settle. I tried to take some shots of one in flight a week or so ago, but the results were abysmal! Your fire bug is amazing.

    With my very best wishes - - - Richard

    1. We really have a lot of hornets this year, and the nest in the roof is very busy!. We have discussed getting someone in, but I suspect it will be a very difficult nest to get to!! We do have a lot of wildlife in the garden and it is seldom that I cannot find something interesting.
      Have a great week Diane

  10. Polyommatus icarus? So nice. I love all blue butterflies and blue flowers and blue skies ,,,

    1. Polyommatus icarus is the common blue, but if you look closely at the markings on these three, they do not quite look the same which is why I have not specified a name. They may all be common blue, but the variations between all the blues is so small and I do not want to stick my head out and identify something I am not so sure of. Have a great week Diane

  11. The pattern on the fire bug really does look like an African mask.

    1. It really does, blow it up big and you can just imagine that it really is a mask! Cheers Diane


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