Thursday, July 12, 2018

12/02/2018 Two photos from today and the remainder from our week away.

Maximum temperature today 28C, minimum 13C.   Dry; 9 km/h North winds with up to 29 km/h gusts. 

I have tried my best with the identification of the following, if I am wrong please let me know. I am finding the ID very difficult as these insects are mostly new to me and my camera!

Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius)

As above.

Beautiful demoiselle (Calopteryx virgo) I think - female

As above.

Variable Bluet (Coenagrion pulchellum) I think - male.

As below (I think), both male and female.

Blue Featherleg or White-legged Damselfly (Platycnemis pennipes) having an orgy - one pair I suspect is gay!

Blue-tailed Damselfly  (Ischnura elegans).

Scarlet Darter (Crocothemis erythraea). Thanks to Richard for ID

Again I am not sure, but suspect this is a female Emporer Dragonfly (Anax imperator).

Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius).  A first for me.  I see them regularly, but I have never managed a photo of one before.  I got some better shots later in the week although not so close.  Watch this space!

A hopper of some kind!

A web-spinning spider.

Last but not least a common wall lizard on a rocky outcrop.

N.B. My bird blog is updated  HERE 

Part 16 of the birds seen in Africa.


  1. Great series, Diane; a veritable natural history lesson.

    1. Thanks for the kind comment David, I just hope my ID is not far out! Enjoy your weekend Diane

  2. Wow, my kind of post! I love butterflies and dragonflies. I especially like that Emperor Dragonfly, how delicate and exquisite. Thanks for sharing all this beauty!

    1. Many thanks Geraldine for the very kind comment, so glad that you enjoyed this post. Have a great weekend Diane

  3. Wow, Diane, your photos are always amazing, just as these are! :)

    1. Thanks Sally, so pleased that you enjoy the insects and other creatures. Happy Weekend. Diane

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Penny, hope you have a fabulous weekend Diane

  5. Beautiful photos. Love the close-ups of the creatures which as so easy to overlook.

    1. Many thanks Marie, I agree many are so easy to miss. Happy weekend Diane

  6. What exquisite detail you've captured in these shots.

    1. Thank you Monica, it was a fun week in a totally different envirnment to what I have at home for photos. Cheers Diane

    2. Still gawking over that magnificent blue insect.

  7. Beautiful critters! Great photos with such great details! Have a wonderful day!

    1. Thanks Nancy glad that you like these shots. Happy weekend Diane

  8. O what a nice photos. I love the Common Darter. Echt genoten van je prachtige serie. Ik denk dat je een goed fototoestel hebt. Geweldig Diane! Ik geniet er elke keer van.

    1. Ik heb een Nikon 3200 en ik ben er dol op. Goed weekend Diane (Hope the transaltion is correct !!)

  9. The sheerness of those wings is indescribably beautiful. The orgy was a great opportunity for a photographer. So many wonderful pictures.

    1. Thanks Enma, I was surprised when I discovered the orgy, if I had of had the wide angle lens on you would have understood just how many there were! Take care Diane

  10. I love seeing the dragonfly wings so clearly.

    1. Thanks Pam, their wings are a work of nature and magic, so beautiful. Take care Diane

  11. FANTASTIC pics! I have taken so many pics the past week and all with the cell camera. Thought I would miss my big one but I did not.

    1. I know the feeling well I will be over to have a look at your blog as soon as I have a bit of time. Hope you are well Diane.

  12. You never cease to amaze me with your macro shots.

    1. As you do me with your sky shots. Wish I could take photos like you, but you also have a better place to take them than I do :-) Take careDiane

  13. Another series of amazing images Diane, photo number 10 is exquisite 💙 Hope you are having a lovely weekend ✨

    1. Hi Grace, I also loved that shot. We have had a quiet weekend other than a late night last night celebrating Bastille day :-) Keep well Diane

  14. Your photos of nature all always amazing but your being able to identify them is even more so.

    1. Karen it is a struggle, but Richard below generally puts me straight thankgoodness :-)

  15. What a fabulous post, Diane! I wish I'd been there! Some issues with your IDs - I am relatively confident that your Azure Damselflies in this post aren't. I can't tell you what the first two are but the markings on the abdomen seem totally wrong. I'm quite confident that the 'orgy' scene is of a different species and is White-legged Damselfly (Platycnemis pennipes) because of the distinctive markings on the side of the thorax. Your 'Common Darter' is, I believe, a Scarlet Darter (Crocothemis erythraea) - I'd give my right arm to see one! Correct with the female Emperor.

    My very best wishes - - - Richard

    1. I am not all surprised as my book only has a few dragonflies in it and I am taking too much time trying to find any ID on the net. I am very grateful for your input and I will change what I can now. I am surprised I was right with the female emperor, total luck!! I also wish you had been there, it would have made my life very much easier!!
      Thanks so much and best wishes to you also. Diane


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