Friday, July 31, 2015

31/07/2015 Another month done and dusted, the time flies by faster than ever.

Maximum 24C, minimum 7C.  31 km.h E wind.  At least a dozen drops of rain!  Watered the garden.


  1. Love the close-up painting shot. 7 months is a long time to wait for tiles to be delivered!! Hoping the laying of the tiles doesn't take that long.

    1. It is actually over a year since we asked the guy to do the verandah. He put it off over winter as he said it was too cold. He then said the there was a problem with getting the tiles. He still cannot give us a date to do the job........ It will soon be winter again. The last time we ever get him to do a job regardless how good he is. Have a good Sunday Diane

  2. Nigel will be pleased to be getting to the end of his mammoth job! The Fromage Charentaise looks lovely.

    1. He has pretty much finished Craig, we put the last ones back up this afternoon. I still have a few black hinges to do. Nigel is off on a cookery course tomorrow for 6 days so I can get on with some of the jobs at my own speed :-) Have a good Sunday Diane


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