Friday, November 20, 2015

20/11/2015 Happy Birthday to my Sister-in-law in Australia. Horrible day here wet and very windy.

Maximum temperature 18C,  minimum 11C.  78 km/h W wind gusts. 4 mm of rain overnight and still raining as I type this.
We lit the fire for the first time this year yesterday.

Lunch - home-made bread.....

and Thai Curry Pumpkin Soup. Home-grown pumpkins of course.

Great tit surveying the world in a break in the rain. This, and all following photos taken through wet glass so not very sharp. 

Sparrow bathing in the rain...

as the above with heavier rain.

Great tit rummaging in the wet leaves looking for insects.....

As above,


  1. Lunch looks yummy!! We started our fire a couple of weeks ago! So relaxing to sit and enjoy the warmth!

    1. We have had the radiators on but they are only morning and evening. When its cold mid-day then the fire is needed. We have thick stone walls and when they get cold you know all about it so the fire is a necessity to get the heat inside Have a good day Diane.

  2. Time to curl up with a good book. The bread and soup look delicious. You have many talents this is another area where we differ. I'm a hopeless cook.

    1. Yes the weather is certainly heading for a cold spell here! Not sure that I am such a good cook but I can throw things together and generally come up with something edible. I am though trying to take a break from the kitchen as I am bored with it after so much bottling during summer. N can cook very well if he sets his mind to it.:-) Enjoy your weekend Diane

  3. I have to take pictures of the birds in my garden too. You inspire me.

    1. I love our birds and quite often in winter I can find little else of interest to take photos of. I hope you succeed in getting some good photos. Diane

  4. Il fait bon être au chaud avec une bonne soupe quand le froid et la pluie arrivent! Nos petits amis les oiseaux ne craignent pas la mauvaise saison et n'hésitent pas à se baigner sous la pluie!

    1. Les petits oiseaux sont si mignons, mais ils mangent beaucoup! Il fait plus froid maintenant. Diane


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