Tuesday, June 6, 2017

06/06/2017 Another trip to the Physio for my back. Road obstructions!

Maximum temperature 17C, minimum 10C.  26 km/h NW chilly wind with 36 kmh gusts.  3 mm rain measured this morning.

All photos taken from the car, I was having trouble today with reflections on the windscreen.  Nigel was driving!
Baby maize plants enjoying the wet weather.

This guy tried to see how slow he could go while next to a solid white line!!

The pretty town of Massignac...

The church in the background, the tractors were out in force today but most of my photos were blurred!

The quiet rooms of my Physio.

Driving back home, this house in Chéronnac had just a few pot plants....

Massignac from the other side on our return....

The butcher and baker.

Yet another one!
and this guy did get out of our way he was cutting the edges.

Back home the garden was very wet.

For those who have asked about my back - it looks like this!!


  1. I think you need to interpret that X-ray for us.

    1. Sorry thought it did not need it. Simply it should be straight and every uneven vertebra now seems to be pinching a nerve. I am just trying to keep out of having and op. The surgeon said it was a big job as too many vertebrae involved like about 7. Diane

  2. Diane, I love all the views, homes and shops! And your X-Ray...wow! Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Thanks Linda, I am not much good at getting good shots from a moving car, especially when everything seems to be reflecting on the windscreen! Take care Diane

  3. Wow, that is an interesting xray. I hope you get the right solution to your back problems. That kind of surgery can be scary,from what I've been told by people who have gone through something similar. All the best to you.🌼

    1. Ha ha interesting is the right word. I have a great physio who specialises in backs and if she can keep me going I will be more than happy. Have a great day Diane

  4. Yikes...your back is looking all out of whack! Sorry, I know that is a pain. Loving the county side pics. So beautiful and lush looking.

    1. Thanks Pam you have enough problems of your own so you have some idea what goes on. With all the rain it is looking really pretty around here. Keep well Diane

  5. OMword, your back really is a mess.

    1. Isn't it just!!!! Fingers crossed that the Physio can keep me on my feet :-) Diane


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