Sunday, May 28, 2017

28/05/2017 Busy day, 550 cherries, picked, de-stoned, cut in half and in the dehydrator!! The remainder of yesterday's photos today!

Maximum temperature 29C, minimum 16C.  19 km/h SE wind with 37 km/h gusts.   Dry.
Yellow poppies and Love in a Mist, all down the road...


Pea family...



Sheep and cattle....

Are you looking at me???...

Trichodes alvearius on cow parsley....

White clover.

Back home in the garden... Rose...

Meadow Brown...

Common Blue, slightly bedraggled female...

Hummingbird Hawkmoth.

And today's work!!!


  1. Replies
    1. It would have been a full day's job but thanks to Nigel's help it made things much easier. Cheers Diane

  2. Wow! What an accomplishment! Bravo! Love the sheep photo!

    1. With the number of cherries on the tree this could become monotonous!! Curious sheep :-)) Take care Diane

  3. Love that Hawkmoth - remarkable insect.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    1. I have to agree they are amazing insects. Cheers Diane

  4. So ambitious yet the winter reward is priceless. Our wildflowers are barely showing but with all the snow melt should put on a good show next month. I think that sheep is squinting at you. ;)

    1. Very ambitious but I doubt if they will last until winter!! The figs and plums I did last year were eaten well withing two months of them being done, too easy to snack on. At least I do not have to worry about them going off if I have not dehydrated enough!!!!! I also think that sheep has a squint LOL. Our wild flowers (and weeds) have taken off with the hot spell we have just had. Have a good day Diane


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