Thursday, October 5, 2017

05/10/2017 Hedge cutting day.

Maximum temperature 21C,  minimum 9C.  9 km/h NW wind with 22 km/h gusts. Dry :-)
Rose Day 5.

The hedge before cutting at the bottom of the garden...

and at the top.

Man at work...

as above.

Change of camera and later in the day, the first photos were taken at 08h00
The top hedge looking fantastic...

and at the bottom.

View across the lawn, hedge to the right.

and a view down the length of our lawn with veggie garden and greenhouse at the bottom.

Topinambour flowers against the first blue sky we have seen for days.

and a hoverfly trying to hide!!

Speckled Wood butterfly.

A few grapes that survived our early frost.

Home grown radishes.


  1. Your garden is lovely, it looks huge and a lot to take care of. But how rewarding it must be to see all your hard work take shape. Super photos Diane!

    1. The garden is quite hard work Denise but we enjoy the results though it also makes hard work in the kitchen when everything is ready at the same time!! Take care Diane

  2. Hedge looking goood!!!

    Oh you had a frost already... So now, you "can have" Indian Summer. If you have Indian Summer, in France. :-)

    After a frost, when the weather becomes lovely and warm and beautiful, in the day, again. For a short period of time.

    1. The frost that took out the grapes was a late frost in May, but these seemed to have survived under the leaves somehow. They are only ready for picking now. No frost as yet this autumn.
      Have a good day Diane

  3. Very beautiful. The rose, butterfly and grapes are fabulous.

    1. Thanks Shon, the grapes were very tasty despite being only a very small crop this year. Have a great day Diane

  4. You have a lovely garden. Thank you for showing it.

    1. Thanks Emma we love it though it is hard work at times. Take care Diane

  5. Your garden is beautiful! I'm,over the rose!!

    Have a good day!

    1. Many thanks Doniene, that is a very special rose that I do not know the name of taken from a cutting from our last garden in the UK. Have a wonderful day Diane

  6. Your hedges look good. I've started my yearly pruning. I work a bit everyday and keep the worst in line. We don't usually have a freeze until November and sometimes mid December. But I am not so sure this year.

    1. The weather seems to have changed a lot, we used to be only really cold in January and February but that seems to have got much longer on both sides. Summer we had a few really hot days but it seemed very much shorter that usual. Keep well Diane

  7. I absolutely love your photos, Diane, and so many lovely shades of green!

    1. I was surprised also by the difference in colour from different cameras but one was early morning and the other afternoon. Take care Diane

  8. Beautiful garden Diane.. gosh I thought mine was big yours is huge! We have a few hedges too and yes that's my husband's one and only job in the garden ☺ the problem is that because of our warm weather they have to be trimmed every two weeks, you can imagine how much he loves that 😀 have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Grace hope you have a great weekend as well. We cut the one side of the hedge next to the fence around July, and than the main cut once a year in October and that is all. When we had fir it grew much faster but then it started dying off which is why we now have all laurel. Diane

  9. The garden looks fantastic. What a pleasure it must be to be outside working it when the weather is so fine.

    1. We love our garden, but this summer has not been the best so we have not appreciated the garden as much as we should have. Have a good weekend Diane

  10. What a beautiful yard. Is this where you get all your critter pics from? I love it.

    1. Yes Pam almost all my insect and bird photos come from the garden. Have a great weekend Diane

  11. Hi Diane. The rose still looks fresh and lovely. Mine are just soggy balls of petals. Your garden looks huge. How big is it? Kim

    1. Kim it is big compared to the UK, but not compared to South Africa. It is 1600 square metres 0.4 of an acre. Have a good weekend Diane

  12. You have a huge yard. Nice to have a hedge for privacy. And to keep it trimmed.

    1. The hedge is very important to us, we like our privacy though not much is close to us. Barns or gardens on most sides. Cheers Diane


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