Tuesday, November 7, 2017

07/11/2017 Very chilly and not much around to photograph!

Maximum temperature 10C, minimum -2C.  1km/h NW winds, 15km/h gusts. Frost.
Blue skies but very cold.

Ice in the bird bath!

First frost and time to bring in the medlars to allow them to rot  before making medlar jelly.  I still have some jelly from last year, so plan on letting them simply just drop this year!!

Blue tit having something to say! (Cyanistes caeruleus)

House sparrow male, (Passer domesticus)

Man at work - raking up leaves for compost.

Still some hornets around!!!

There always seems to be the odd fly around!!

Not much cloud to give a good sunset but when one is short of photos......

For those following the South African holiday Part 8 is now on the web HERE


  1. I have never heard of or seen medlars. I am curious now, Diane.

    1. If you have not already looked it up this is probably the best site to read about medlars.
      https://www.rootsimple.com/2010/12/medlar-the-best-fruit-youve-never-heard-of/ Have a good day, Diane

  2. Beautiful photos, Diane, but the temperature -2C is really cold. I love the pretty blue tit communicating and the pose of the sparrow! Kisses, my friend.

    1. Very chilly Mia and I hate the cold!!! Hope all is well there, cheers Diane

  3. Wow - great picture of that hornet. I like your series of the man raking up the leaves too. And, just look at those beautiful evening skies - I'm such a sucker for a good sunset.

    1. The hornet and the fly were the only two insects that I could track down :-( There were few clouds last night to give a really good sunset, it all changed a few hours later when the rain came down!! Cheers Diane

  4. It is cold here too. And my furnace went out last night!! Thank goodness I have space heaters until the repairman comes to fix it. Sheesh!

    1. I hope the repair man comes quickly, a break down in heating at this time of the year is not fun. Keep warm Diane

  5. Don't imagine the birds liked that ice in their baths.

    1. Its not only the birds that don't like it I don't either !!! Hope it is warmer where you are Diane

  6. Been colder here, and damp. Last three nights we had rain. Get up in the morning to everything wet and cold with the time change is rough. Gotta adjust to time change, takes about a week. Great pics.

    1. I hate the time change, we never had it in Africa so I only started living with it very late in my life!! Keep well Pam. Diane

  7. Thats cold! No wonder the bird has a lot to say. Keep warm.

    1. Ha ha it is really miserable and now raining as well!! T'other Diane

  8. And I thought a medlar was the guy next door. He's always meddling in something!

  9. We too, have one fly, zipping around in the house! Determined to thwart any attempts, on our part, to seek his demise! :-(

    Luna Crone

    1. We had one in the car yesterday which drove us both mad it would not go out the window!!!!!! Murder is needed LOL Diane

  10. Ice in the garden? Now thats a blast from the past! Nice.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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