Wednesday, January 31, 2018

31/01/2018 Grey skies but sort of dry so we decided to just get out and go for a drive. It was good to take a relaxing break.

Maximum temperature 11C, minimum 5C. Misty but sort of dry!  North Westerly winds; 16 km/h with up to 40 km/h gusts.
Just leaving home.

The small village of Yvrac.

The church Saint-Saturnin at Sornin (plus a digger!).

The bridge going into Marillac-le-France.  The two animals on the left are Llamas.  There was a whole field of them.  Wrong side of the car to get a good photo as we drove by!

The Mairie (mayor's office) at Montbron...

also in Montbron.

Leaving the Charente and entering into the next department of the Dordogne.

The 12th century church Notre-Dame de la Nativité at Bussier Badil. This looked like an interesting town, maybe we can plan a proper visit here and look around. No this is not blue sky it was the tint at the top of the windscreen!!

The church at La Tricherie.

As Above

Not sure where this was in the Dordogne but we were fascinated by the leaning chimney!!

Javerlhac.  More windscreen tint!

This was seen in a field all alone.  It looked like it was possibly a private chapel and a very pretty building.

A ghost sign for Peugeot.

Back in the Charente and nearly home looking across the fields.

For those interested I have started a series of photos taken on Nevis in the Caribbean here.  Both Part 1 and Part 2.  More to follow


  1. It really does look pretty grey; hardly the weather for good photography.

    1. You are right I had to brighten every photo they were so dark. February today and we are seeing our first bit of sun this year!! Cheers Diane

  2. I love the bare trees! It is good to see you out and about again, Diane.

    1. It is good to be out again but if only this cough would stop!! Keep well Diane

  3. It is such fun to just drive and see what you can see. Ever since Sunday drives in the country when I was a child it has been one of my favorite things to do.

    1. It was really a random drive yesterday and we saw so many villages that we have not seen before. Thank goodness though for satnav so we can find our way back home :-) Keep well Diane

  4. Very quiet place, I suppose most people are staying indoors. I like the pretty chapel standing all alone in the field. My cough is also a stubborn one.

    1. It was pretty much mid-day. The French take a two hour break for lunch and most things close down so that is why it was quiet as well as it not being that warm. I just hope all these coughs go soon it is becoming a nuisance as well. Take care Diane

  5. Well it's good to see you out and about again Diane, always makes you feel better to get some fresh air. Hopefully the flooding problem has been sorted and the insurance has come through for you. Still coughing too, my doctor thought it might be hay fever, I've never had it in my life before, has given me some tabs that so far haven't changed a thing! I wonder if we're just going to to have to wait it out!

    1. Most things are now dried out but a few stubborn bits like my leather writing case are taking their time! Last time I had to wait out a cough it took 9 years and many visits to specialists, I hope I do not have a repeat of that!!! Take it easy. Diane

  6. So many interesting places! I love the chapel standing alone; it seems peaceful.

    I'm sorry you still have the cough; sometimes it seems like it hangs on way too long. :(


    1. Thanks Sally, I loved that little building and I am sure it must have been a private chapel.
      The cough is not improving at all and now getting on my nerves!!! Take care Diane

  7. What gorgeous photos! And I will definitely check out your Caribbean ones too. Lucky girl!!!

    I hope you're having a good day.

    My new site address should now be up and running at:

    1. Thanks Geraldine go it! Hope all is well and your new sites are working better than the last ones! Hope you have a good weekend Diane

  8. I would love to see some photos sometime of the inside of your churches....great pics.

    1. If we go into the churches I always put the photos on the blog. Many links will led to them but will need a bit of searching!! Happy weekend Diane

  9. For some reason your first pic of just leaving home gives a feeling of hope.

    1. I really liked that shot the winding lonely road and the bare trees :-) Cheers Diane

  10. Morning Diane. I love the blue windscreen tint sky above the grey buildings, makes it look like summer! A very pretty town.

    1. I wish it had really been a blue sky.There are so many pretty towns in France. Have a great weekend Diane.

  11. I like the country roads and the ancient buildings. Your sky looks like mine about now.

    1. We love driving in the country here, the roads are fairly quiet and each time we go out we come across places we have not seen before. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I just wish my cough would go and then I will be back to normal!! Happy weekend, Diane

  12. Replies
    1. Muito obrigado por sua visita e comentário. Bom fim de semana. Diane


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